Chapter 1: A Scandal in Waterview Part I

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My eyes widened when they fell on the mark I had received on my assignment paper. My angry gaze followed the teacher's assistant who carefreely walked down the aisle, handing out papers. 79 had never looked so disturbing. I'd like to see her write anything interesting under the title; How to Get Away With Murder.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, louder than I intended to.

I made a slow whip of my head to the TA who had turned to me with eyes like darts. She looked like she had stopped herself from walking toward me.

"It would have been a lot better if it didn't seem so much like something straight out of a television show."

I was about to open the work to review how poorly she had graded my paper when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from an unknown number which read;

I nid ur hlp. Meet outsyd nw ~ JO

I have no idea exactly when or how I left the lecture theatre with my Criminology TA handing out assignment papers. My face was locked on my phone, scanning the text, trying to figure out who had sent it and why they can't use vowels, making sure I was reading it right all the way to the exit.

"You've made it, Kofy." A familiar voice scared my eyes off the screen.

"Jordan!" I gasped as I beheld the short, dark young man and his insanely huge beard.

"They've arrested him." He cried, coming on to me hysterically. "They're saying he raped her, Kofy. The police has come to take him away."

"Calm down, Jordan!" I said, completely unaware of what was happening before me. "Who has been arrested for rape."

"Matt... My brother." He sniffed. "Kofy, we have to go now."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me along to his sleek white Chrysler. I said nothing about how the only people I had ever seen drive a car like that are women, because I am not a car-person, and it was definitely not the right time for such words. Jordan continued to drive anxiously to Matthew's hostel building.

There was a huge crowd of students in the front yard. I guess it wasn't every day that a son of Listowel Obeng gets arrested, even though, there are many days like that. I should state that that was not Matthew's first run-in with the law, and it unfortunately wasn't the last.

Matt Obeng, you see, was your stereotypical bad boy famous for doing the craziest of things just for fun. While my knowledge of psychology and my history with him explain that he does all those stunts for attention for his father, who is too busy to care, I am also open to him being insane. That being said, rape is something Matthew would never do... not willingly, at least.

"Shall we go?" Jordan asked, opening the door on his side of the car and also waking me from my state of thought.

"No, I just want to observe from here. Besides, there is nothing we can do."

I made no reaction as I watched the officers shove the handcuffed Matthew into the backseat of the police car, not unlike how Jordan shoved me into his front passenger's seat. Matthew knew better than to resist. Luckily, he had been reminded of his right to remain silence, since he was exercising it. The people made way for the cop car which was skilfully driven off. That was when I saw her.

"Kate?!" I exclaimed, my eyes unable to move from the girl in the ambulance with a blanket on her head.

"Yeah, that's the girl he allegedly raped." Jordan replied. "You know her?"

"Isn't Kate his girlfriend?"

"I have no idea. Matt and I aren't that close. I'm not close with any of my four brothers at all."

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