Chapter 3: A Scandal in Waterview Part III

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We were still in the circle, with the audioless video playing on a loop. No one said a thing, but a series of thoughts ran through our individual minds. They all amounted to one thing;

"If Matthew did not rape Kate, why did everything else point to that fact?" Kai asked.

"I believe someone tried to frame him." Kate added.

"And I'm sure this individual can be of help." I concluded, pointing at the computer.

Jordan bit his lip. "I guess if I leave right now, it would appear I don't care anymore, now that my brother is apparently innocent."

"Do you... care?" Kate asked.

"I really don't." Jordan said, regretfully.

"I don't think you should leave." I admitted. "You are the one who introduced me to this case. I think it is only fair that you see it through."

Jordan grunted, then he entered a short state of thought which ended with a sigh.

"The twins won't be happy about this." He said.

"Which twins?" I asked.

"My roommates." He replied. "Roman and Asta."

Kai faked a gasp. "Twins whose names don't sound alike?"

"Actually, Asta's first name is Rowan." Jordan announced.

"Somehow, I knew to expect that."

"I know a pair of fraternal twins whose names don't sound alike;" I said. "Rose and Evans."

I was met with awkward silence.

"Okay." Kate said after the longest ten seconds. "So... that's some news. But let's focus on the issue at hand. What's our next step now?"

All eyes fell on me.

I gave out a long sigh and squinted at the laptop. The hat the person the video was wearing was very huge and distracting. I almost didn't see their very white sneakers.

"Kai, you and Kate should see if you can find out if they were drugged at the bonfire or somewhere after that. Jordan and I will question the other people on the floor. Maybe someone saw or heard something that could help us."

There were three rooms before Matthew's. None of them answered our knocks. The resident of the first room, I suspect, was out. The second person refused to answer because they felt we were Jehovah's Witnesses or trying to sell them something. Their light was on, and no one turns on their light in the afternoon to sleep. The third person had their music on so loud that it was clear they were trying to drown out other sounds.

We were about to head for door number five when we heard door number four close.

"Matthew?" I asked, then the door opened to reveal this old friend of mine. "How did you gain this much weight from jail in a day?"

"I've always been fat, please." He answered, and zipped up his gray sweatshirt. "Come in."

We entered the room, which was pretty much what we had seen earlier. The only thing out of place was the red woolen carpet that was rolled up and had been placed by the wall. No, for me, the one thing that was out of place is that there was no sign that there had been a fire. The lamp on the desk which caused the fire had seemingly been replaced. The table cloth which had also been completely scorched, had also been replaced.

Wait, was the fire in a dream, or did Jordan take 'taking care of this' a bit too seriously.

"Wow, I am in love with this place we are both seeing for the first time." Jordan said, and almost shook when he got a look at the kitchen.

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