Chapter 5: The Roxord Alley Mystery Part II

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These three people circled me like they were wolves. At least, that is how it felt. I'm not even sure if I tried hard enough, but I couldn't see really well. What I knew for sure is that we were back in my room, and the people who were with me were Zelda, Nana Poku Watson and Kai. I was in so much pain, and there was no point hiding it.

"How bad is it?" I asked, sitting up with surprising ease.

"You really held your ground," Watson said. "but it seems three thugs was too much for you to handle."

"It wasn't them." I said, sitting up.

"I fear you may be having a concussion, Kofy." Zelda said.

"A hospital is where you need to be." Kai said and moved to his desk, having confirmed that I was okay.

"Watson wasn't robbed by the... Roxord Robbers." I said. "If they had that amount of money, they wouldn't be out working tonight. They would be out spending it."

"Kofy, I think it's wrong to assume what drives them." Watson said, standing straight with his arms folded. "What makes you think five thousand is their target."

"Five thousand must be pretty close." Kai said.

"My gut says they would go on a break if they had five thousand Ghana cedis." I said. "My gut is usually never wrong."

"Is it that same gut that made you turn yourself into bait?" Watson asked.

I called a frown onto my face. "Hey, it helped me confirm that it wasn't the gang that robbed you."

"Oh right!" Zelda said. "Another gut feeling!" Then she turned to Watson. "So, Nana Poku tell me; who knew you had the money?"

"The soccer players." Watson answered reluctantly. "And Coach Alhassan."

"I'll look into the coach." Kai said.

"In the meantime, I guess we'll be training with you today." I said.

"That would be a waste of time, Kofy." Watson said. "It wasn't them."

All his words did was make me wonder if there was something Watson was keeping to himself. Zelda must have felt it too because she immediately grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him outside into the hallway and closed the door.

When Kai and I turned to each other, it was as if we read each other's minds. And while we both got up at the same time, the pain I was feeling everywhere caused me to get to the door about ten seconds after Kai.

I pressed my ear against the door just in time to hear Zelda finish a sentence.

"You clearly know more than you are letting on, Nana Poku." She continued. "Tell me what happened and we'll see where to go from there."

"I wasn't lying when I said I was robbed on Roxord Alley." Watson said. "I received a message to come there with a thousand cedis. I was going to pay with my own money. If I hadn't done it, they would have made public my condition. They took the money. Why else would they also rob me?"

"So you're thinking your extortionist took the money but the Roxord Robbers just happened to show up and take the five thousand?" Zelda asked.

"Well, if you put it like that..."

I felt the door being pushed in, but it was too late for me to run to the bed. I just bowed my head and listened to their loud synchronized footsteps.

"I'm glad you're all caught up." Zelda said, turning to Kai and me.

"Not quite." I said, with a grunt, forcing myself to stand. "What did you mean by condition, Watson?"

"Since Nana Poku was a child," Zelda started. "he has had a problem with reading."

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