Chapter 7: A Case of Fidelity Part II

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Room 107 of Haven Hostel was very well lit that Sunday night. The window's curtains were open at just the perfect angle to let a beam from the security lamp outside into the room. One of the ceiling bulbs was turned on, and the bedside lamp was lit as well. It would have been perfect for a photo shoot or even a make-up commercial. However, the people in the room didn't have the mind too appreciate that. Hell, they were the cause of the silence in the room and they weren't even aware of it.

Zelda and Nana Poku were seated face-to-face on the latter's bed, looking at each other in the eyes, but not really seeing anything.

"I need you to leave." Nana Poku said his first words since Zelda came into the room.

Zelda was apparently hurt by this. She was a very good actress. She could make anyone believe anything she looked like she was feeling. She wasn't pretending this time.

"What do you mean?" She asked, the confusion she was feeling drawn very clearly on bed face. "Nana Poku, I don't understand what is happening. I have been here with you for nearly an hour. You've been on your phone... ignoring all my questions and even texts. Then your first words to me is to ask me to leave?"

Without another word, Nana Poku walked to the door and opened it. He then pointed out the door.

Zelda walked to the door and pushed it close. "You'd better stop fooling and tell me what is going on."

"You betrayed me."


"Yes, high and mighty Princess Tyra. You outed me to Kofy and his gang."

Zelda couldn't help but breathe out a soft laughter. "You're joking, right?"

Nana Poku gave her a look that didn't require any additional words.

"You are serious!"

Nana Poku gave the door a push so it closes lightly but not shut all the way.

"Zelda, I told you about my medical condition in confidence. I told you because you are my partner and I trust you, and I didn't want any secrets between us. But when I wasn't looking, you turned around and told it to a bunch of strangers."

For the first time in probably a long time, Zelda was shocked.

"Strangers?" She finally said. "Do you mean Kofy?"

"He wasn't the only one there, Zelda."

Zelda nodded. "You are correct. I had no right to let out about your dyslexia, but..."

"But what, Zelda?" Nana Poku cut in, his eyes beaming with a different kind of rage.

"I was literally just about to tell you. If you had let me finish, you would know now.

"Look, you were in trouble. They were accusing you of a crime, I think. Knowledge of your condition established you as a victim, which helped to figure out what really happened."

"Even so, it wasn't for you to tell, but you did it anyway."

"Again, my intentions were noble so I can't..."

"I can't be around you, right now." Nana Poku said.

Zelda regarded her boyfriend in total disbelief of what was happening. "I don't think this changes anything but I'm really sorry for doing that. I hope this will one day be behind us... you know... after you forgive me."

She leaned toward him and pressed her lips against his, but while he didn't kiss her back, he didn't pull away until she pulled back.

"May we meet again." She said, and with her eyes locked on his, she found her way out the door.

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