Chapter 8: A Case of Fidelity Part III

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Kai Boateng woke up to the aroma of boiled rice. He couldn't stop the smile that drew on his face. This was a special occasion, an occurrence so rare that whenever it happened, Kai wouldn't waste his wishes for another one. Kofy Yesu Richmond, the annoying, sometimes unlovable being had cooked, and it didn't smell like death.

Again, as if for the first time, Kai was realising that Kofy worked out and had huge biceps. They were seemingly always hidden by his long sleeves. Kai sat up, ready to comment on Kofy's outfit when he found himself out of words by his roommate's current action. Kofy covered up his German Club polo shirt with a Waterview High blazer.

It had to be done. It is the only way people will know it is him, Kai thought. He certainly didn't keep his blazer from Argent School of Arts. To him, high school was the weirdest series of moments of his life.

"I believe it is too early for any of your classes." Kai said, rising and walking to their kitchenette.

"I told you yesterday that I'll handle the mess you guys made." Kofy said, starting to brush whatever name is appropriate for that thin line of hair on his chin.

Kai walked to the kitchen and saw a serving of not boiled rice, but rice porridge. He noticed that Kofy had finished eating and left his bowl filled with water in the sink. Kai had a taste of his rice porridge, not really accounting for the heat and ended up finding his tongue burning.

“How much sugar is in here?” he asked.

“I didn’t measure.” Kofy replied. “About half a cup.”

Kai was about to respond, but his jaw dropped when he saw Kofy put on a pair of golden round-framed glasses. It really changed his look.

“Wait a minute.” Kai said. “Are you in disguise?”

“Yes.” Kofy replied. “I am going undercover as… a more likeable version of... myself.”

And although it seemed like a really lame joke, Kofy was really going undercover as himself. He had found out where racy was staying. He needed to see her, to clear up everything, and he couldn’t afford to mess up. That is why he was up so early, so that he would get to her hostel at a time she was sure to be home.

Kofy took off his helmet and got off his bike in the slowest way imaginable. He wasn’t attempting to be cool or mimicking slow motion. He was apparently nervous and unsure of the next course of action as he had not really thought things through. Just as slowly, he walked and stepped into the building. He didn’t bother heading for the lift. For nearly three years in Waterview University, he had used an elevator no more than five times, and each of them has its own story. Kofy took the steps one by one, and although it probably took an hour to get to the third floor, he should probably be commended for not making an attempt to turn. Slowly, he walked to the door, and slowly he knocked on the door.

The door was opened by a girl who was clearly in a hurry.

“Yes?” she inquired.

“Eeerm…” Kofy started, feeling intimidated yet fascinated. “Is Tracy… here?”

The girl rolled her eyes and immediately shut the door so hard it made Kofy shake.

Kofy was not quite sure how to react. It would appear the intel he received about Tracy was incorrect. He thought of knocking again, hopefully finding out for sure, but it’s not like he was that eager to knock the first time anyway. His descent to the ground floor was easy, and his brisk walk to his bike was easier.

Just before he got on, the screeching sound of my car tires got him to jump in fright.

“Get in.” I said.

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