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I slowly turned to meet the eye of Constance. She slowly let get of Merricat and came up the stairs to me. She said "Are you alright?" I nodded and looked back to Constance. I felt tears fill my eyes. She wrapped her arms around me, followed by Merricats. Merricat quickly said "We need to find Uncle Julian. Let's go." We heard the fire engines begin to arrive as we hurried down the stairs to Uncle Julians room. Constance tried the door, but to no avail. "Uncle Julian. Open the door!" Constance said. We could hear him rummaging around. He was still alive! "Uncle Julian. Please!" She kept on knocking trying to get him to come out of his room. She knocked once more, but the sound of glass breaking pulled our attention. The firemen had come to put out the fire. Jim has come to put out the fire. My worries rose as we coughed running through the halls to get to a safest part of the house. The kitchen.

We heard loud footsteps make their way up the stairs. "Move it, move it! Everyone out! Clear the house." That was Bobby's voice. There was faint shouting outside of our house. Every now and then we would hear the occasional "Let it burn!!!" But that was not the worst part. People were throwing stones in our windows, and doors. We were terrified. Jim was yelling at his fellow co-workers clear the room, and to send water through the hoses. Merricat had her arms around us as much as she could, and quietly said "Beatrice, Constance, we have to go. We have to go outside. The fire will kill us if we stay in here." There were a million thoughts going through my head. But the one that stuck was the thought of Charles. Is he ok? Did he leave? Would he really leave us to die?

The people in this town are so greedy. All they want is the money and the valuables. They don't care for us. They don't care that there are people still in the house. My ears perked up at the sound of Charles voice. "Get out of here! Get out!" Was he telling people to stay out of the house? Or the study with the money? Why would Charles want the money? Constance grabbed a shall, and I grabbed a jacket. We decided to climb out the window of the kitchen with hopes of getting away to safety. Luckily we made it out the window, but we did not make it far. A man had spotted us. "Look who's here, the little debutante." They grabbed at Constance, and pushed her to the ground. Her screams could make the whole village stop. But they kept going. They kept on hurting us.

I tried to get Merricat free from the man that was holding her back. But I failed. I tried getting Constance, but Jim had grabbed a hold of me. He said in my ear "Hya bumble bee. How have you been?" I whimpered and struggled in his arms. "Constance! Beatrice! Let them go! Leave them alone! Please!" Stella was here too. "Stop it! Stop it!" She cried. "No! No!" Constance pleaded. We just wanted peace! We don't want any harm! We heard another voice. A man's voice telling people to stop. "That's enough! Stop it! That's enough! You listen to me!" He honked Charles car horn and still, no one would stop. "Leave them alone! Listen to me!" There were some people who loved us. Only some though.

There was another long honk that sounded from his car. Finally, the man who was honking had enough. He shot a gun into the air. The mob quieted down. They stopped to look at the man standing by the car. "Julian Blackwood is dead. There's been a death in this house. You get out of here!" Julian was dead. Our Uncle was dead. The man that loved us. The man the cared about us. The only man who even thought to love us. The only man that Constance trusts. And Constance was sobbing. Not only because of the assault that is happening to us at the moment, but because our Uncle was dead.

"Go on now! Get out of here!" The man yelled again. Jim kept his hand held onto my arm as the rest of the town scattered. Along with Charles. I tried to pull my arm from his grasp but he said "No, you are not leaving me again." Merricat was tending to Constance when she heard this. She stood up and made her way over to my struggling body in Jims arms. She knew that his foot was still healing from when she shot him... so she stomped on his foot. He let go, and I pushed him to the ground. He grunted in pain and cursed under his breath. "Stay away from my sisters you bastard!" He ran away from the house, and back down to the village. We did not need to worry about him anymore. I was free of Jim Donnell. I was free. Merricat led us to her garden on the moon. We all laid down on the blanket she had laid out before, and we were finally at peace. Merricat grasped my hand as she laid in between Constance and I. Before we closed our eyes to sleep, Merricat whispered one last thing to us. "We're on the moon at last."

The Other Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें