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June 18th 1963

Ever since the incident with Jim Donnell, I still had not been talking. I wrote down what I thought or I just nodded or shook my head when I was asked questions. Everything around me frighted me. I would jump every time a door shut, I would jump when someone said my name, I jumped when I felt a touch on my shoulder. I was scared of everything. Note: It has been 1 year and a half since the incident. You know what? Im done calling it the incident. The day Jim Donnell drugged me, and then continued to enter the Blackwood house and act as if he owned the place. 1 whole year, and I'm still not talking. I wasn't only afraid of Jim, but I was afraid I would never be able to talk anymore. There was so much I wanted to do in my lifetime. For example, I wanted to become an elementary teacher. I would need a voice for that. Everything I want to do is basically done for because I can not talk. What am I going to do?

Read. Thats what. I will read all I can. Learning new things, new words, new phrases. Something will get my voice back.

As of right now, on July 18th, 1963, I am reading Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Its a little challenging but I am understanding it all. This is how it usually is. The same schedule. I wake up at sunrise, and help Constance with breakfast. Then, I go to the study to read for my own ambitious curiosity. At 11:00 sharp, the grandfather clock rings, and it is time for lunch. As always, Constance denies my offers to help. I still go to town on Thursdays, get what we need, and Jim still sees me but is too afraid to talk to me. Thank god. I mean, I wasnt planning on talking to him anyway, but this is even better. I don't have to worry about him talking to me at all.

However, today was a little different though.

Today is Saturday. So since neither of us had to go, everyone was at rest. Merricat and I were sitting at the kitchen table eating our sandwiches, when Constance came in. "Merricat, would you go into town and get sugar? I would like to make some Rhubarb pie!" Merricat stood up and said "But it's not my day." Constance said "It's alright. Just be back by lunch. Here are some coins, and remember, I only need sugar." Merricat nodded and turned around. Constance tied her hair back, and sent her off. Before Merricat left, she said "Lock the door. I'll hurry." Constance nodded and said with a big smile "Stay safe!" When she heard the door close, she turned to me and said "Beatrice. We are having company over. I know you haven't been talking much lately, but can you sit down with us when the visitor comes?" I gave a small smile and nodded. "Great! Feel free to come in when you like. He should be here in any moment now!" I smiled and continued eating my lunch. I got lost in my thoughts, occasionally picking at the strawberries on my plate. I started to doodle on my note pad. Just little drawings of trees, or mountains, or birds.

I subconsciously heard a knock at the door. I didn't think much of it. I just continued to draw. I drew a hummingbird. I made her unique in some way by adding a small outline of a pine tree on her chest. Starting on mountains, I made sure to add a small water fall in the middle. Water falls were my favorite to go to when I still had my mother. We would take a small drive up the meadows, and walk a short path following the river, and right up to the falls. Most of these small drawings are either memories dreams, or fantasies. I wanted all of these drawings to be real, but I know that I have to stay in the comfort of our home.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Merricat came running in from the kitchen door. I was very confused at first, but I soon quietly followed her. I stopped just before the door way to hear Merricat say "Constance! Fathers book fell off the tr-" She stopped talking at looked at something in the room with horror. "Merricat, this is our cousin Charles." The other voice, who belonged to Charles, said "How about a hug for your cousin?" Merricat dropped her books and ran out of the room. She ran back outside and most likely to her garden.

Constance said "Im so sorry Charles. Please sit down!" I slowly walked into the room, and Constance made eye contact with me. She smiled and said "And this is Beatrice. I do not believe you knew about when you were coming." He stood up and looked me in the eye as well. We stared into each others eyes for what felt like eternity. He walked towards me and I stepped back a little bit. Constance said Kindly "She is a little jumpy, she doesn't like new people so much." He put his hand down and said softly "It's a pleasure to meet you Beatrice. My name is Charles. I am staying for a while, I hope you don't mind." I smiled softly and shook my head, meaning I don't mind it. He seemed like a nice man and nothing like Jim.

It was his eyes that got me. His eyes were very mesmerizing to look at. I took a risk, and stepped forward holding out my hand. I still kept quiet obviously. He gently shook and said "Quiet one aren't you?" I nodded and looked to Constance. She said "She was in an accident that put her in a fright. She doesn't speak." Charles looked to Constance then back to me. He nodded and said "Well, its great to meet you. I do hope to hear you one day." He smiled to me and I wrote down in my book 'Wonderful to meet you as well Charles. I hope to speak some day too.' He read it and smiled again. I smiled this time with him.

I walked over to Constance and showed her what I wrote before. 'Is he going to hurt us? Like Jim did?' She shook her head and said "He has no bad intentions. Right Charles?" He shook his head and said "Of course not. I will not bring any harm to you or your family. I give you my word." I let out a breath of relief and wrote down 'Something terrible has happened. I am worried for your safe-' Constance stoped my writing and whispered to me "Not yet. Let him warm up here." I nodded and scribbled over the writing a little bit.

I smiled one last time to him and smiled at Constance once again. I walked out of the room and heard Charles say "I see the beauty runs in the family." They both chuckled and I did a little bit as well. I felt my cheeks heat up as I walked away and up to my room to continue reading. What an eventful day!

The Other Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें