You heard me right. Jim was taking me back to the castle on the hill. He was taking me to Constance. I had a thought that he was going to convince Constance and Merricat that he saved me. But in reality, I knew that Constance and Merricat both are very talented when it comes to this topic. They will easily tell what he put into my body whether it be an alcoholic shot, a sleeping drug, or just plain out poison. I knew that I could count on Constance to help me.

He knocked on the door softly. Merricat looked out the window and went straight to Constance. "Jim has Beatrice! What do we do?" Constance smiled and said "Well let them in silly!" Merricat quickly replied with "Beatrice is unconscious Constance! Jim. Has. Beatrice!" This was a rare moment in time, where Merricat had allowed a stranger into the house, willingly helped take care of her, and did everything in her power to keep her safe. Now was one of those times where she wanted to shoot Jim Donnell. She wanted to do that unspeakable act when he tried to take Constance away from her.

An idea struck her head. She snuck out the back of the house, and went to her garden. She pulled a walking stick from behind the big oak tree she has her fathers book nailed into. Sneaking around the back of the house, her determination grew to get her sister back. The closer Merricat got to Jim, hatred became aware in her conscious. Rage filled her veins. Anger surged through her blood. Jim almost got a hold of the only thing in her life that mattered to her. Her father was a very powerful man. He stopped Jim from taking Constance. It seemed like Jim was very attracted to witches. What goes through a man's head when he does these things?

She quietly snuck behind Jim. What her plan had been was to hit his knees and make him somehow gently drop Beatrice. But that obviously wouldn't work. Before she did anything, she saw something protruding from Jims pocket. Even she was surprised that she was able to complete such a difficult task of swiping it out of his pocket. Without him noticing. She walked back and around the house and in through the back door. She ran to the front door and opened it to see Jim and Beatrice where they were.

She looked at him in terror and said "What did you do?" Jim ignored her question and pushed passed her and into their house. He looked curiously around the entrance, up at the chandelier, down at the carpet that lined the wooden floors. His eyes wandered to see Constance in front of him. A visible look of terror came over her face when her eyes met Jim's.

"Constance! Beautiful as always. I believe this is your sister?" Constance nodded and backed up a little bit. Merricat stepped in and said "Jim, put Beatrice down on the couch and leave!" Jim smirked and said "Where's the couch?" Constance hesitantly pointed to the room just behind her.

When Jim walked passed her, she stepped back all the way against the wall. She was very scared of what her father did to him, and had the fear that Jim would hurt her. Merricat had the fear of Constance getting hurt in general. The only thing I (Beatrice) am wondering, is what their father did to Jim to make him have such a strong hatred towards the Backwood sisters.

Jim laid me down, and moved some hair out of my face. He gladly took a seat in one of the comfortable chairs across from the couch, on the other side of the small table in the center of the room. All three sisters could feel his bad intentions. It was a fear Constance never had to have. She wouldn't leave the grounds of the Blackwood property. When she took responsibility of killing her father, she was taken in. But was too pretty, too nice to be kept in jail. We have always lived in this castle ever since then. And we call it home. We have accepted that.

Now all we had to do, was find out why the hell Jim Donnell was in this castle.

There was something he wanted and he would get it. Knowing him? He won't be getting it. Not on Merricats watch. Like I said before:

"The event that triggered this behavior is quite a long story. Might I say, It doesn't end well...

For him..."

3rd person POV

Jim Donnell fancied Constance. He wanted to run away with her in his loud, painted machine. Constance did as well, but her father did not want her to go. Merricat felt it was her job to keep Constance safe. For a long time, she did very good. Going to town, locking up, keeping strangers away. For the longest time: 4 years, Jim Donnell stayed away. Why was he back now? Was it because he knew their father was dead? Or was it because he felt he had more power, and greed to have Constance for himself. Jim wanted and wanted. But the sister's father was very powerful. He kept Constance away from the Donnell boy and kept him away from the house for good. Constance and Merricat were very happy about that! Beatrice would be too. If only she knew.

Surprisingly enough, it was good to have their father gone as well. With the need to protect Constance, Merricat poisoned the sugar. She knew that her and Constance were safe. Why? Constance never used sugar. Their father took advantage of having a beautiful daughter. He was terrible to Constance. She was unjustified in such a cruel way, Merricat did the unspeakable act. She killed her father in hopes things would get better. Now she can protect Constance with all of her heart, mind, and soul.

Sure, she has become paranoid, but good comes out of it! 1: Constance is safe. 2: Merricat's self-defence has gotten a lot better. 3: She feels the power and the want, to do the same thing to Jim Donnell. The same feeling of their father became a thought in her mind. She feels she can do it. And soon she will do it. Let's just hope that her convincing mechanisms are as useful as her self-defence mechanisms.

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