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I straightened up, and strode out of my room in full confidence. I held onto the railing as I made my way down the stairs as an anchor to make me feel more sturdy. The closer I got to the bottom stair, the music got louder. The sound of the harmonies coming out of the speaker in the common room make their way to my ears with ease. I smiled to myself hear what song was playing. One that I played a lot as a child.

I'd like to thank you (Rat-a-tat)

I walked into the kitchen to retrieve the cookies that I had prepared earlier for Charles. I made sure that they were frosted correctly, and weren't too hard to the touch. I made them just the texture to not break off a tooth! I added just the right amount of ginger to make it have some spice, but just enough sugar to make it have the sweetness taste, and the warm feeling still present. Gingerbread are my favorite cookies as well. What do you know! Charles and I have more in common! I made my way out of the kitchen, and followed the echo of the music.

I'll wait patiently 
Daddy's home...

I took the cookies into the living room, and saw Charles standing by the record player. I take it that he chose the song for the occasion! It was perfect! I walked to him, and held out the plate to him. He picked one of the frosted cookies and took a bite out of its foot. He said "Gingerbread in July is my favorite thing." I smiled wider and I put the plate down I at the suit he was wearing. He noticed and said in a playful tone "It looks good on me, yeah?" I chuckled a little bit and nodded. The music continued, and he gently grabbed my hand. He put his left hand on my waist, and I put my right hand on his shoulder.

How I've waited
for this moment (Rat-a-tat)
To be by your side...

We swayed along to the slow jazz coming from the scratchy speakers behind us. Right foot to the right, left foot back, let the man lead. That is what I learned in my childhood of ball room dancing. It's all I had to remember! I was in a wonderful state, looking into Charles's bright blue eyes. Dancing with him made me smile even wider! He spun me around, and brought me into his chest. His arms just under my breasts, on my belly. His warm breath tickled the skin by my ear. I leaned into his cradle, wanting to be in it forever. Doing the same thing as before, he spun me out of the warm embrace. I longed for it again. Safety was felt in that moment. The warmth that he gave, was more than any fire could give.

Your best friend wrote
and told me...

Charles looked me in the eye and said "There is nothing like the sunset over Florence from the top of the Duomo. It is beautiful. Four hundred and sixty-three steps to the most exquisite sight." He paused. His lips curled into a small smile and continued "A picture couldn't capture the magic. You have to go." I smiled and held up a finger. We pulled apart, and I picked up my notebook. I wrote down 'How do you say, "Take me away"?' Charles smirks and replies in Italian "Portami via" I thought of something else to say.  'How do you say, "Spaghetti is my favorite dish"?' We both chuckle a little bit and he says "Gli spaghetti sono il mio piatto preferito."

The music continued to play in the background as I approached Charles once again. Placing his hands back on my hips, I put my hands around his torso, and laid my head on his shoulder lightly. We swayed back and forth as the melody flowed from the stereo.

How I've waited
for this moment...

"You're so lovely." He said quietly in my ear. I smiled and a sudden sigh came from my mouth. Charles began caressing my hair, and following it down my back to the ends. It was very soothing! I would be lying if I didn't say that it was putting me to sleep. I took my head off of his shoulder and put my hands back on his broad shoulders.

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