As I closed my door, I slid down onto the ground. Charles had something to him that was so charming. He had my heart in an instant. I just want to talk. But if I talk, I fear Jim would hear me. I know. That sounds outrageous, but that is a big fear I have. It has been one of the many fears I have had ever since he hurt me. I thought Charles would be the same way. I hope im wrong about him.

I heard a knock at my door. I got up and opened it a little to see Merricat. I opened it further to let her in. When she came in, she shut the door quickly and said "He needs to leave." I gave her a confusing look. "What I mean is, he is only trying to get rid of Uncle Jullian, and take our money. Thats all he wants." I grabbed my not pad and wrote 'Is he going to hurt us? He seemed nice, but I am not the one to ask about a males intentions.' She sighed and said "It's ok. I am going to figure this out. You and Constance have each other ok?" I nodded and gave her a hug. I mouthed an 'I love you' and she smiled. "I love you too Beatrice." She walked out of my room and went to hers to plan something against Charles.

I was right about one thing. I am not the one to ask about males intentions. I have trust issues now. Sure, I did let my guard down a little bit down there, but if Constance wasn't afraid, then I wasn't. But then again, Merricat also has a right to be scared. Her father took advantage of Constance. Merricat only wanted one thing. To protect Constance. Now she has me to protect as well. I don't want to be that burden on her. I already feel a burden on them ever since I found them. There was only one thing that I wanted in life. And that was a family. That is exactly what I got! Constance and Merricat are my family and I couldn't feel any happier. Over the next few hours, I was able to complete Great Expectations, and pick up Lord of The Flies by William Golding. It is a fairly new book. Barely coming out in 1954! It was only published when I was 10 years of age!

Something that I have always been fascinated by was the phenomenon of the future. Having "Lord of the Flies" being a new book, I wonder if it will become a "Classic Novel" in the near future! Lets say in 1990 people will have these books as antiques just as we have books and artifacts from the 17th century. Its fascinating to me! I love to think that maybe, just maybe my story could be told! Maybe through a film, or even a book. Just picture it! Beatrice Blackwood and the Haunting story of the house on the hill. I could picture all of the cameras, flashing lights, people calling my name, the dresses, the banquets. Just sharing my story in general. From my journey with my parents, to the loving Blackwood sisters who's last name I soon took. I am honored to have the Blackwood last name. It makes me feel like I finally have a home.

Walking over to the window, I notice that it is getting dark. 'I should probably help Constance with dinner,' I thought. I sat my book down, and walked out of my room. I couldn't help but notice Charles unpacking in Constance and Merricat's fathers bedroom. This house is pretty big. Don't you think there would be at least one guest bedroom? I thought it was very unethical of him to be sleeping in the master bed room when Constance is continuously cleaning, and maintaining this house. She deserves a good piece of it. As I made my way down the hall way, a familiar tune made its way into my mind. It sounded of my mothers voice.

Butterflies go up and down
Fluttering above the ground
Birds are chirping out a tune
Some day baby you will sing

Someday you will know
That you can do anything

Raindrops drip from all the trees
Falling on the ground below
butterflies will spread their wings
Someday baby you will fly.

I felt hypnotized by it all. It was all coming back to me. All of the memories of holding hands, walking in the rain, making snowmen, red cheeks, wrapped in blankets. Mother would sing this before bed every night before bed. Oh how I long to hear her voice again. I slipped back into my room, and grabbed the picture of my mother and father. I held it close to my heart and took a deep breath. I missed them, but they abandoned me. They left me for the dead. The only thing that they helped with was helping me find my sisters.

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