I was slowly gaining my confidence back. With every book I finish, I get closer to reading outside of my mind. It becomes harder and harder to read though. I was helping in the kitchen with lunch when Merricat came in. She said "Constance, can you make Uncle Julian a soft cake for lunch?" Charles immediately said "Constance is busy now. Run along and play." Constance looked at her and smiled softly saying "I'm Sorry." Merricat protests, "But Uncle Julian is going to-" Charles cut her off. "She's busy right now. Your sister works like a slave." He held out his glass and Constance put more tea into his cup. I of course noticed this, and I wanted to say something. But I couldn't. I didn't want to ruin Constances thoughts on Charles. And I wanted to give myself hope that he isn't a bad man.

While Constance kept on making food, I wrote down 'I am going to the pond to "talk" to Charles for a bit. I will be in before lunch!' She smiled and nodded. "Be safe!" I waved a small goodbye and walked out into the chilled wind of the outside air. I followed the path to the dock of the pond, and I looked over the edge. I took my shoes off, and sat down on the edge of the long wooden surface, slipping my feet into the cold water. After settling down, I began to write what happened.

The explanation

'It started 3 years ago when I came to the village. Long story short, I was able to find Constance and Merricat, and they took me in and we did more research on our family. My mother was a cousin of John Blackwood; Their father. They were not very close, but my mother had put John as my God Father, and has asked for the Blackwood's to take me in if something were to happen. Well, my mother and father left me at the border, and gave me a note that said to find Constance, and they left. I haven't seen them since. Im not sure where they are at right now, but I do know one thing. They loved me once before. But something changed with in them. They left, and I cant do anything about it. That, however, is not why I don' talk. The reason I don't talk is blamed on an incident that happened about 1 year and a half ago. It was a normal day of me going into the village on Thursday, and I got our normal items and stoped at Stella's. Jim Donnell had an obsession of me. First it was Constance. Then it was me. He hurt me. He drugged me, brought me back to the house, and walked right it. He scared Constance and Merricat. Luckily, Merricat was able to shoot a gun. Before you ask, no. She did not kill him. She simply shot his foot, and told him to stay away from us. I woke up about 10 minutes later, and I was scared out of my mind. The feeling of being helpless in Jims arms that made me so frightened. I fear that Jim can hear me, there fore I do not talk. I know it is an irrational fear to have, but when you're scared, your mind can go a little crazy right?'

I started with that, and would answer further questions if he asked any. I put the pad to the right of me, and began to sing my legs, making the water ripple around my feet. Along with the sound of the water, I heard the creaking of the bored. I looked behind me to see Charles walking towards me. He flashed a smile as I slid over a little making room for him. He sat cross legged next to me, and said "So, what did you need to tell me?" I first wrote down 'Have you fixed the step already?' He shook and said "I tried. There was a box with 40 silver coins in a box that Merricat had hidden under there. After we talk, I have to go into town to pick up more nails to actually fix it." I nodded. I sighed and gave him the paper with the explanation. He began to read. I kept my head down, looking at the water.

As he read, his hand got closer and closer to mine. It was a little scary at first feeling the touching of his fingers on mine. As he finished the long passage, he. looked across the pond and back to me. "Beatrice. I-" I kept my head down. He gently place a hand on my shoulder and said "I will protect all of you Beatrice. I promise no harm will come to you. Would you like to come to town with me? I can get you a coffee?" I looked up at him, and I smiled softly. I wrote 'I would love to Charles.' He smiled and got up. I pulled my feet up and out of the water, shaking the remaining water off of them. I put my socks and boots back on and turned to see Charles's hand. I put my hand In his, and he softly pulled me up. He placed his right hand on my lower back, and held my hand with his left. We looked at each other for a moment. In this moment, the charm Charles has, worked on me! He smiled and cleared his throat. We pulled apart and he said "Um, lets go to town and grab some nails and coffee." I noticed the red in his cheeks! He must have been as stunned as I was! I let out a soft, breathy chuckle as we began to walk to his car and down the road to Stella's.

He was a gentleman and opened the car door for me. I sat down on the seat, and buckled my seatbelt. He said "You ready?" I smiled in reply, and we headed off to the village. As we pulled into the parking spot, he said "Im going to run into the hardware store. I will be back in no more than 10 minutes. Would you like to come in with me?" I quickly wrote down 'I will wait here. Do you need help with anything?' He shook his head and replied "Im ok. I'll be back!" I smiled and he went into the store. I looked around me and saw a lamp post. It had a bird on top of it! I began to draw the lamp post with the bird on it.

I carefully sketched the curves of the bird, making sure that I get every detail. The feathers I was especially careful on. Making sure that I got the fine details on the feathers, I started on the lamp post. The vines that were growing on it were very pretty! I added my own flowers growing on the twirling greenery. Orchids are my favorite to draw so I added those along the vines. The vines, from what I could see, had small leaves in the shapes of hearts! It was an amazing sight to see! I soon finished the small doodle, and looked up at the sky. It was getting a little cloudy, and the wind was starting to pick up. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms with hope that it would warm me up a little bit.

Maybe I was getting chills, or I was getting scared of what the town will say. They haven't seen me in a little while. The last couple weeks, I asked Merricat if she could go for the next little bit, and she was ok with it. It made me feel like I mattered! Merricat would do anything to protect her sisters. I have mentioned that a lot, but there is no doubt about it, that she will do anything to protect Constance, and now me, from danger.

Still shivering, rubbing my arms, I was pulled out of my trance like state, when I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned around and saw Charles coming back. He had his coat off, hanging over his arm and in the other hand were the nails and a new hammer as well. We made eye contact, and we both lit up! I didn't think that he would be happy to see me, but I was sure happy to see him. He made his way to my side of the car, and opened it up. He saw the goosebumps on my skin and said "Beatrice, are you cold?" I sheepishly nodded, and he smiled a little bit. "Here. Take this for a little bit." He sat the nails and hammer down on the seat of his car, and put his jacket around my arms. I pulled it around my body tighter and mouthed a small 'Thank you.' I smiled and could feel the heat rising from the butterflies in my stomach, make their way to my face. He put his arm around me and we walked to Stella's!

The spells that Merricat casts puts some hope, and some protection on us to ease my mind. But when I am with Charles. I feel...

Safe.   :)

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