9. The Test

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*Ugh I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you guys for all the amazingly nice comments and even tips on how to make this even better! I really enjoy them so thanks! Hopefully this will make it up to you!*

I had a feeling Sophie would be able to read Bronte's mind, just not be able to access everything.  He was an Ancient. Who could read everything in an Ancient's mind other than another Ancient? I sat rigid on my seat, fearing that she would fail. If she failed, who knew what kind of trouble my father and I would get into? My thoughts got more and more desperate, until she finally finished.

Sophie announced "You're thinking that you're the only one at this table with any common sense. And you're tired of watching Kenric stare at Oralie." I quietly gasped. I mean, everyone knew about Kenric and Oralie, but did she have to say it? Oralie blushed, her perfect cheeks turning a crimson color, while Kenric turned as red as Oralie's lips. Bronte opened his mouth and closed it again. "I take its she's right?" my father asked, a smirk on his face. Bronte looked more angry than I'd ever seen him, before loudly announcing "How can that be? An Ancient mind is almost impenetrable." My dad responded, almost mockingly, "The key word in that sentence is 'almost' Don't feel bad- she's also breached Fitz's blocking." I felt my cheeks burn red. She shouldn't of been able to breach my blocking. I was a Vacker, for God's sake. I felt the anger rising up in my throat as Bronte mocked "Sounds like Alden's golden boy isn't as infallible as everyone thinks." My father corrected him, saying "It's more  likely that Sophie is exceedingly exceptional. Fitz saw her lift more than ten times her weight with telekinesis yesterday." Kenric sat up, saying "Now that I have to see." As soon as Sophie slouched even lower, I knew something would go wrong. 

She whispered "But I don't know how I did that, it just sort of happened." My father answered "Just relax, Sophie. Why not try something small?" He gestured to the white crystal goblet that was in front of her. I took in a deep breath, hoping she'd be able to do it again. It really was amazing, the way she used her telekinesis before. She raised her hand in front of her, and unless then a second, the goblet was a foot in the air. She was in wonder at what she did, while Bronte was not impressed, asking "That's it?" My dad whispered something in her ear, but in a few seconds, every goblet on the table was in the air. Bronte was still unimpressed, even though Kenric was. She inhaled loudly before lifting Bronte on his chair, along with 2 other chairs. All the sudden, she hunched forward, her arm dropping. Bronte crashed to the ground, along with the goblets and chairs. 

We were all silent as we stared at Bronte. Kenric snorted, and we all lost it. Except for Bronte and Sophie. While Kenric complimented Sophie on her abilities, I carefully fixed the goblets and chairs. Not that anyone would notice, anyways. It still mattered to me. Sometimes even the smallest things would stay in the back of my mind, making me fix them. I tuned back to the conversation right as Sophie was confused as to what language she was speaking. I laughed and explained that she was speaking the Enlightened language, as she'd been doing since I first spoken to her. My father explained further, about how our language should. be instinctive and so on. Suddenly, she asked if "soybean" meant anything here. I was beyond confused, but my father's grim look made me wonder if he knew something else. Bronte pushed him into saying "It's possible she was saying suldreen, but it's a stretch." Bronte glowered even more than usual. I was ready to read their minds, but knew that would be a bad idea. Sophie asked what a suldreen was, and my father explained that it was the official name for a moon lark. She was just as confused as I was, which made me relieved. At least I wasn't the only one out of the loop here. Bronte said this was troubling, which put Sophie on edge. She reached up and pulled out an eyelash, which I found kind of weird. Bronte then concluded the meeting by saying he was voting against Sophie. Oralie read Sophie's emotions before voting for Sophie. It was all up to Kenric. I hoped he would vote for her. I needed to prove to my father I was just as smart and string as Alvar. Kenric voted for her, and a let out the breath I'd been holding. Now it was time for the hardest task of all; the probing.

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