4. The Telepathy

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I grabbed her hand, suddenly nervous I might hurt her during the leap. Who knows how a human-hybrid-elf would react to her whole body being picked apart atom by atom and then reforming in a new place? Not me. I decided to wrap double the amount of consciousness needed to make sure I didn't kill her. I took her to Eternalia, since I knew it would be almost empty, since there was a tribunal for a girl who lost control of her hydrokinetic abilities. Keefe told me the girl had a twin brother that the dad made look a year older. Keefe said the boy was a Shade, and that his mom said the boy could be "useful in the future", whatever that means. You never know what Lady Gisela really means when she speaks. Keefe's dad knew her dad and that was the only reason I even glanced at the trial. She asked why nobody was there, so I told her about our government and some of the society norms. She argued with me about light leaping for a bit, so I decided to prove how light leaping worked and took her to Lumenaria.  Next thing I know, she's crying. I thought she'd be happy to find out she wasn't one of those nasty humans, and was a far superior elf. But here we are, she's crying. Her voice is trembling, and all of the sudden she's just fine. "I believe you." I was ready to scream "What do you mean you believe me? I take you to a whole new world, show you different species and now that you've cried and guilt tripped me, you believe me?" Instead, I took a deep breath and asked if she was ready to go home. I still had to make sure she wouldn't tell anyone, though. I couldn't be sure if they would believe a 12 year old girl. But, she was smart and pretty enough to get me to take her to the Lost Cities, though. I held my breath, hoping she'd promise not to tell anyone. "I won't. I promise." I released my breath and then took another gasp when she asked why she couldn't hear my thoughts. I could not believe she had beaten my telepathy manifesting record by a whole year. Oh wait, SHE HAD BEAT ME BY 8 WHOLE YEARS! She has been reading minds since she was five! Oh, Alvar would so never let me hear the end of it. I tried to slip into her head, I couldn't believe it, she was blocking me! I've never felt a mind as quiet as hers. Next thing I know, she can read my mind, even if I block her. I was already late to go find my dad at home. My mom would be worried soon, and Biana would be no help for covering for me. She was wondering how I'd find her, "Don't worry, I'll find you." And then I was gone.

At home, Alvar was the first to meet me at the door. Well, follow me. One of the perks of having grown up surrounded by Vanishers was that I can usually spot them. The air has this tint to it, like a ripple. And, they have a shadow. Not as defined as usual, but it's definitely there. I tried telling Keefe once, but he said "Wonderboy's finally lost it!" and I gave up explaining my way. Anyways, I was like 99% sure some vanisher was following me in the halls, so I opened my mind to the thoughts around me. I heard my brothers voice "Oh he's got the girl, I know it. They'll finally trust me now." Why didn't, the council trust him, I thought. Something nagged me in my brain, saying "What if it isn't the council he's talking about?" Well, who else could it be. Mom and Dad already trust him, and as far as I know, his girlfriends don't know about each other yet. So, who else could it be? I could sneak back into his head, but dad would know. Dad always knows.  I guess the Council doesn't trust Alvar yet, because he's so new. Right as I was entering the main dining area, I almost yelped. There was Councillor Kenric and Councillor Oralie. ANd then there was Bronte. Councillor Bronte.

I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY ITS TAKEN ME FOREVER TO POST THIS> I FINISHED UNLOCKED AND AM VERY MAD (NO SPOILERS DW) and I had some writers block yay. Anyways, thanks for reading, luv ya! 

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