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Their screams,
I love the sound of all of their screams

My brothers and sisters danced in the blood of the weak in hope that our savior notices.In hope that our savior returns.

We will rid this world of the evil that is normalized and we will dissect this gruesome society and rebuild a new one.

One with blood and strength.

"Please I have children! I'll give you money and status. Damn it I'll give you what ever you want! Just please don't kill me."

I looked down at the sight of this pig as he laid next to his bled out comrades.

I looked at my brother and said-" Remove his throat, I was told that pigs can still squeal with out it. Let's see if that's true."

Brother held his chin up while sisters stepped on his legs, arms and back to keep him still and made a small slit with the ancient dagger from his chin down .

The little piggy squealed and squealed for mercy.

Ohh how immaculate! Pigs sure know how to make me hard.

Brother reached in slowly just so I could hear the little piggy attempt to cough up blood and slowly ripped out his larynx and handed it to me.

I kissed and adored the piece of flesh that made this little piggy talk.

How delightful! Do you seem me my lord? I do this for the sake of your great name.

I tasted the piece of flesh and chewed it slowly and got aroused.

I almost came just from tasting their pathetic blood.

-"I love this!"

The little pig slowly tried gasping for breath, but brother ripped out his trachea also.

Brother can get so creative with his perfect timing.

The little pig's eyes widened at me as his life slowly fades away.

The piggy face then dropped, lifeless and quiet.

-"I guess they don't squeal. Oh how disappointing! Anyway the rest of you go off into the night and find their families and stalk them down. I want you to know their location and environment. Study their movement so that we can know how our prey operates. We will devour their bodies and set free their souls to our lord."

All of my siblings simultaneously said -"Yes brother", and went on with their mission."

We will conquer all of you pig filth in human clothing.

And then you will finally know the name of the lord.



Shit I'm late!!

How do I end up being late for every event?

I swear I could try and still end up being late.

Josh is going to kill me if I'm late to his boss's dinner party.


"Coolest guy in the world is calling"

Shit he's calling now I have to answer.

-"Hey honey I promise I'm getting ready right now I just need to fix my..."

I was interrupted by his heavy breathing.

It sounded like he's seen a ghost or something.

-"Josh are you ok?"

Josh then said in a terrified tone-"Turn on the TV and look on the news."

-"Why is everything o.."

Josh interrupted me by shouting-"JUST DO IT!!"

Anxiety filled my belly as I rushed to the tv to turn on the news.

The whole room got silent and the air was filled with fear as the news reporter stated-" On tonight's news it seems like this town has experienced yet another massacre which would making the first one in 2 years. Three corporate business men showed up to be dismembered and vivisected in a abandon children's home building. The murderers left a note in blood on the crime scene saying 'The Silence is near, The Silence is here and our lord shall be feared'. Is this yet another murderer that resides in this town or is this something possibly bigger that this town has never experienced. Stay updated with our news and stay safe out there."

The names of the victims were Frank linin, George rue and Pigeth Dweller.

All men that Josh worked with, and we were meant to go to Pigeth's dinner party tonight.

I personally didn't know them like that, but I can't imagine how Josh is feeling.

I picked up the phone and said-"Josh I'm so sor..."

He interrupted and said in a protective tone-"Listen I want to grab the gun from the closet and lock yourself in our bedroom and stay in there. Don't open our room door for anything just stay there until I come. I love you and i'm on my way!"

He hanged up the phone.

I did exactly what he said and loaded the gun and locked the room door and sat right back in bed.

Why would anyone do this? I was only familiar with through Josh, but from what I could tell they were really nice people. Who would do such a thing?

Thinking about it makes me anxious, and all I want to do is lay next to Josh.

I love him so much!

He makes me feel so secure and peaceful.

Who'd thought I'd end up with a charmer like him?

I'd really appreciate it if that charmer gets home so that I could know that he's safe and sound.

Come home my love I need you!

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