32 2 1

I sat in the dark cold questioning room.

The flickering lights did not help ease my anxiety.

I looked down at the dried blood stains on the ground and pictured the horrifying things they did to people in here that could've brought harm to this community.

Oh God! What did Joshua do? What the fuck is chipped and why was Josh chipped? At what point could he have possibly been chipped?

I just don't understand what's going on. What could he have done behind my back to lead us into this? Is this the business he claimed he was taking care of? What the fuck Josh?

Jayvon came in a full Black uniform with Black boots and a Black coat. He had a disappointed look on his face and two pistols and a dagger sitting on his waist.

What a wardrobe change. How'd he go from college freshman to blade?

He sat down in the chair across from me and I noticed his knuckles were bruised and bloody.

He sighed and held his head.

I began to say-"Jayvon what's going.."

He interrupted me and said-"Hold on."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter and a blunt and said-"I'm going to need to smoke for this one."

He lit his blunt and inhaled deeply and exhaled in relief.

I was so confused, but he did look kind of badass I had to admit it.

He sat up and stared at me and said-"Hardy have we been good to you?"

I looked at him in confusion and said-"Yes of course."

He then asked-"Have we treated you in any way that may have been disrespectful or wrong?"

I replied-"Jayvon no you guys have been so amazing to me and I really appreciate eve.."

He interrupted me and said-"Then I don't understand why you're husband walked in here chipped and you did nothing about it."

I then frustratingly said-" Jayvon I didn't even know he was chipped nor do I even know what being chipped is."

He sighed and said-"Being chipped is when a device or a person has a bug device in or on them that could l listen to every conversation or locate their exact location. Is his case since it was in his neck someone was trying to locate where he was knowing that he would come here. So I'm going to ask you. Who the fuck chipped your boy?"

I sat there speechless.

I didn't know what to say.

I didn't even know if I could've sticked up for him.

I then said-"Jayvon you have to believe me. I knew nothing of this. I don't even know when he had the time to be chipped."

He looked at me and asked-"Was there anytime at all last night when you and Sabrina were separated from Josh."

I began thinking back to the time when me and Sabrina was thrown into the van and Josh was thrown into the van ahead of us.

Could he have been chipped in that short amount of time? Even so why would they chip him?

I began to stutter because I didn't know whether or not to say.

Jayvon then shook his head in disappointment and stepped outside for a second.

He then returned back with this machine with multiple wires extending from it.

He continued hitting his blunt then said-"Hardy I'm really sorry I have to put you through this, but for the sake of my community I'm going to have to do this."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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