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I feel the sweat trample my body as I flinched   within these Black satin sheets.  

Terror paraded my body as the heaviness on my chest felt heavier and heavier.

My body

My numb body

As my consciousness began to awake more I start to notice that I can't move.

I attempted to toss and turn but  it was as if my limbs decided to be still.

As if I had no control over my body.

I struggled to slowly opened my eyes to nothing but pure darkness.

Anxiety grasps a hold on my breathing.

I begin to notice this large dark figure emerging from the ground.

It's darkness stood out within the darkness of the room.

It wasn't just the appearance that was dark. It was also the aura of this being.

This demented being radiated vileness and malevolence.

Though this being obviously had no good intentions with me it seemed unpleasantly familiar.

The familiarity of the oblivion that stood before me clouded my mind.

I felt that heaviness upon my chest turned into piercing.

I felt so cold
I felt so weak
I felt so helpless to face this devil.

Even with in this terrifying and traumatizing experience the most I could do is let out a single tear.

I wanted to yell and scream for help.

To scream for someone to be with me right now but it was like my voice box was crushed into a million pieces.

What do I do?
What can I do?

As I tear up and flinch in terror I begin
To feel this slimy slithering snake slowly emerge from the back of my ear and onto my chest.

It's moist scaly skin pierced mine as it slowly went in circles on my stomach.

Oh My God!

I began to internally panic even more.

The snakes slowly made its way up to my face.

It directly stared in my eyes with its bright blood red glowing eyes hissing in my face.

I noticed the dark figure coming closer to the bed. As it came closer it began to become taller and taller hovering over me.

The snake then struck my neck with its razor-sharp teeth piercing my skin.

I felt it began taking bite-size chunks out of my neck.

The pain course through my body.

I wanted to scream to express the agonizing torture I was experiencing.

My body wanted to start coughing up a fluid that seemed to be blood, but due to my body's lack of control the blood just slowly trickled  from my lips.

I felt my heavy breathing turned into choking from the rising amount of blood in my mouth.

I watched this dark figure raised its arm to the sky in praise.

As the snake kept devouring on my neck I begin to lose vision.

As I slowly passed away I thought to myself-"This must be my death."


I jumped up in fair and opened my eyes to the empty bed I laid in.

Silent Asylum: The RiseWhere stories live. Discover now