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Josh said-" Hardy grab Sabrina and pick up the scissors."

I grabbed the scissors and reached for a knife and handed it to Sabrina.

I held her from her waist and helped her off of the table and whispered-" Stay close to me and watch your back. I'm not letting you die here."

She shakily held my hands  as  her sweating palms tightened the knife.

The foot steps upstairs became louder  and more obnoxious.

This person wanted to put fear in us.

Josh turned off his flash light and held my hand.

We slowly made our way away from the loud foot steps  as we quietly walked into our empty guest room.

When we got in we locked it shut.

Sabrina started whimpering.

I caressed her back and shushed her.

The foot steps became louder and louder.

The intruder then started to chant something that sounded similar to Hebrew.

He then converted his tongue from Hebrew to English and shouted-" People of this world are born of the soil of the earth, but we are born of the blood of the soil. We are the wolf to sheep with no Shepard, we are the dagger to the heart of the divine mother and we are devourer of the souls of light."

His foot steps slowed down and continued to become louder.

We began hearing his heavy breathing against the door.

He made a loud sniffing sound and said -" I could smell your fear."

He began slowly making contact with the door by licking it and breathing heavily.

We shook in our positions and tightened the grasp on our weaponry.

He then hissed and said against the door-" Our Lord wants you alive mixed breed. He must want to devour you himself ,what a blessing you have."

Mixed breed? Haven't heard that in a while.

I looked around the room in search of any possible exits that we can take that won't lead us to the cult fuckers outside.

I went to the window and noticed no one on this side of the house and a clear opening to the garage where we can quickly hop in my jeep.

This gruesome person started banging on the door and repeating-" THE SERPENTS ARE GOING TO GET YOU THE SERPENTS ARE GOING TO GET YOU THE SERPENTS ARE GOING TO GET YOU....."

I then whispered-" Listen we're going to quickly hop out the window then head right for my Jeep in the garage. The keys are hanged up on the wall by it."

Sabrina then said-" Is that the best idea we got?"

I looked at both of them and said-" Y'all got any fucking suggestions on how to escape the demented cult that's after us?"

They both looked at each other without words and in defeat.

I then said-" Ok then let's hurry the fuck up."

His banging got louder and louder which resulted in the cracking of the wooden door that was separating us.

Josh quickly pushed the bed against the door for support as I peeped out of the window one more to to assure no white robes lingering.

There was no one.

I quietly but swiftly opened the window and held on to my scissors and made my way out. As I pressed against the wall I turned my head left and right to see if anyone was coming and noticed a group of five on the left of the house sitting holding hands and chanting.

Silent Asylum: The RiseWhere stories live. Discover now