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Sabrina held her head and grabbed a chunk of her hair in distress and said-"How the fuck do we get out of here? They're literally everywhere."

Josh looked at me and said hopelessly -" I don't know if we'll make it out of this one babe!"

Oh don't say that love.

Hearing him sound hopeless broke my heart because I know he's tired, but he can't give up on hope. That's the one thing that kept us alive.

The demented officer's screaming and  banging on the door became more loud and aggressive as if he was frustrated.

Josh quickly stands in front of me to protect me.

I noticed the chanting congregation outside began making their way in.

I looked up and noticed a ceiling vent.

We have to at least try.

I quickly gestures to Sabrina to stand up so that I can barricade the door even more and put it in a position where we can stand on it to reach the vent.

I then quickly opened   the window to give the illusion that we escaped so when he breaks the door down he would immediately assumed we jumped out.

I grab the pocket knife on the officers key chain to opened the vent then reached my hand out to Sabrina so that I could've helped her make her way in the vent.

Josh and Sabrina looks at me confused.

I then mouthed-" Hurry the fuck up!"

As the officer slowly broke down the door I quickly helped Sabrina  in, then I made my way in and handed out my hand to Josh to pull him in and told him to quietly shut the vent.

By time the officer and his now bloody friends broke into the room we were already quietly crawling through the vents searching for the nearest exit.

As we pass over the countless rooms and halls of people being slaughtered I watched this congregation danced in joy and praised in bliss as they were beheading and gutting children or old people on their death beds.

We passed these two twin girls joyfully stabbing this pregnant woman in her stomach rhythmically.

The pregnant lady screams eventually became overpowered with her choking on her own blood.

I felt her look up and make eye contact with me.

While she coughed up blood she mouthed-"Save my baby please."

The twins simultaneously said-" No No No the little rascal is coming up next."

One of the twins then went over to their left and then held up this now naked crying newborn by the leg then stabbed him in the stomach and dragged the dagger down to his chin.

The twin who was still stabbing the now unconscious mother laughed and said-" No silly that's how you gut a turkey not a baby. This is how you do it."

The twin stabbed the baby in the neck with their dagger and made its way to the baby's now dissected belly button.

I watched the baby scream, shake and squirm in hope that his mother would come to save him.

I looked over at the mother with a single tear run down her cheek as she slowly passed away staring at her once precious child and now a piece of flesh that these demented beings toyed with.

I just laid there in the vent speechless.

I felt tears build in my eyes.

Who are we really dealing with?

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