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The night breeze chilled my skin and left me with goose bumps.

Anxiety filled my belly as I sat in the dark corner on the floor holding the fire arm tightly.

The background noise from the tv echoed the room.

It felt  so quiet.

I'm feeling really uneasy. There was a massacre and the town is in distress, my husband's coworkers and employer were slaughtered and my husband is no where to be found right now.

I just want to hold him so that  I know he's ok, but for some reason my calls aren't going through.

I want him here, but if I could at least hear his voice I'd feel a lot better.

His dumb voice.

The phone went straight to voice mail after the 11th time of me trying to reach him.

I just held my head in my lap and sighed.

I really hope that idiot is ok!


I jumped when I heard the sound of the dashing man barging into my bedroom.

I got up in joy and shed a tear  at the sight of Josh's worried face.

He ran up to me and  squeezed me tightly and said-"Thank God you're ok!"

He wiped my tears  and smiled as he slowly reached for the gun and said-"Ok killer I'll be confiscating this now."

As he went to put the gun away I interrupted him by pulling him back for another hug. I couldn't help myself.

-"I'm so sorry about your coworkers babe."

He returned my affection and said-"I know what happened to them is horrible. They were good people."

I looked up at him from the chest up and asked-"Do you think..."

He interrupted me and said-"No! Hardy that's not the case. We killed him!"

-"But they never discovered the last killer or possible copy cat."

Josh then said in a tiring tone-" Hardy I've had a long day. That's the last thing I want to talk about right now. It couldn't possibly be that monster because we left him dead. Now please drop it."

I gave him a saddened look.

I didn't mean to frustrate him.

When the murdering started happening 2 years  ago the killer was never found. He left no trails nor prints. It was as if he wasn't even there. The untraceable slasher killings seemed so similar to that monster in the asylum. I try my hardest to forget about that week, but I can still feel the sharp pain of him piercing into me.

I wish I could heal from that tragic time.

I looked at my husband and held his face and said-"I'm sorry we don't have to talk about that. I guess I was just a bit riled  up from everything tonight. I was really worried, and you not answering my calls didn't help."

He kissed me and said-" I'm sorry my phone died.
It's been a pretty long night for the both of us I guess. Let's just try to get some rest. Let's not talk about what we'll probably have to talk about in the future. Just lay with me please."

He rested the gun on the dresser and took off his shoes and socks then crawled his way into bed.

I made my way next to him and rested my head on his chest.

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