Chapter 10

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Monday at school was horrible. I was tired as fuck, and my nerves were shot after dealing with Naamah. My grandmother made me sit out for the rest of that lesson, but I joined everyone again the next day. The whole time everyone watched me carefully, and I was uncomfortable as hell. Serena, Siena, and Alisha tried their best to keep my spirits up, but it was still awkward. And it didn't help that Armand watched me like a hawk the rest of the weekend.

I told Terrance and Stella what had happened, and they were in awe and scared for me. I told them I was fine but lying to my best friends wasn't the best option. They clearly didn't believe me, but I didn't want to talk about it any further. Mom, of course, had been told what happened, and she and Aunt Lisa had freaked out for a minute before grandma calmed them down. She hovered over me carefully for the rest of the week, and I felt suffocated between her and my friends. I threw myself into my schoolwork just to find something else to do. Plus, I knew my mom would not tolerate a slip in my grades, even with a mad woman on my case. She would kill me first.

Friday came, and Stella and Terrance came home with me to kick it for a bit before my mom took me to my grandmother. Mom came home not long after we had gotten there and was in her room doing God knows what when I heard the doorbell ring. She yelled from the stairs, "Kaveri! Can you get the door?" I yelled back and hopped off the couch to run to the door.

I opened it without checking the peephole, and when it swung open, I damn near slammed it back. I said, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Armand was standing on my front steps, fine as ever, dressed in black jeans, a green shirt, and Jordan's again. This man had to have every pair in existence. I heard my mom behind me say, "Kaveri! Watch your mouth and let that boy in here." My mouth hanging open, I stepped back and let him in.

Mom pushed me to the side and walked up to him smiling, saying, "Hello Armand, it's wonderful to meet you. Thank you so much." She held out her hand, and he shook it politely, which weirded me the fuck out, saying, "It's wonderful to meet you too. It's no problem at all." I said, "What in the world is going on here?" Mom ignored me and put her hand on his back even though she barely reached it and led him into the living room with my friends, saying, "Armand, these are Kaveri's best friends, Terrance and Stella." They both awkwardly said hello and gave me a highly confused look, to which I shrugged. I said, "Mom can you explain to me what is happening here?"

She smiled as she ushered him into a chair and said, "Well, Armand here is going to drive you to your grandmother for the weekend and bring you back." My jaw dropped, and I looked at her and said, "Why? Why aren't you taking me?" She said, "Well, first, that drive is exhausting, plus I have plans with Lisa tonight. Also, he told your grandmother he would like to so he could protect you, and he felt so bad about his mom hurting you." I glared at her, and she said, "I'll be back. Give me a moment." She grabbed the glasses me and my friends had been using and went into the kitchen. I followed her where she was also pouring lemonade glasses with a fresh one.

"Mom, are you insane? You don't even know him! Don't you know who he is?" She turned to me and said, "I know exactly who he is. Don't you think your grandmother would have told me his whole story before she tried to convince me to let him do this? I was livid at first, but then I understood. Look, I know his reputation is rough because of his mom; that's why I feel sorry for him. Kids should not bear the sins of their parents. And I know he was mostly raised by his grandparents raised him." I stared at her in awe. She looked at me, sighed, and said, "Look, I know how you feel about him. Your grandmother wants to give him a chance and asked for my help, and honestly, I think we should. I am not particularly thrilled with him either, some wounds just won't close, but I don't want him to bear my grudge. It's for Naamah and Naamah alone. Your grandmother asked for our help. So, I'm giving it. Besides, you will work beside that young man and the others to fight. This is Asha's way of building your trust in him. If you forever dislike him, you won't work well together."

Black Girl MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora