Chapter 21

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We pulled up in the front of the venue, where cars were lined up waiting for the valet. We stayed for a moment before pulling up in front. Armand stopped the guy from opening my door and walked around to open it for me. He held his hand out for me and guided me out of the car. He handed the guy the keys and put the ticket in his wallet before holding out his arm for me to grab and smiled down at me as he led me inside.

The hall looked amazing, and we looked around in awe as we walked in. The front hall before the ballroom had a lobby area where some of our teachers were sitting, checking students in and taking their tickets. Right as you walked in, you could see the ceiling, which looked like a starry night sky. Beautiful glass chandeliers spread evenly across the top, the stars reflecting and fracturing across the room and walls. Beautiful flower and balloon arrangements lined the walls in our school's colors of gold and black. There were three dozen circular tables with black tablecloths and a dozen gold chairs at each, set up on one side of the room where we would be having dinner. There were gold silverware and dishes with a flower arrangement in the middle. At the far wall behind them, the buffet-style dinner and drinks were set up with servers behind them.

The other end had a huge dancefloor with a DJ set up in the corner, already playing hits with a few people dancing or taking pictures on the dance floor. In a side room near the DJ, a professional photographer was set up with a pretty backdrop to take official prom pictures. They had also rented a 360 camera for people to take videos. At the wall closest to the exit was a table holding our gifts and where more teachers were gathered to play chaperone during the night.

As Armand led me in, Stella and Terrence popped up behind us, and we all found a table with a few of Terrance's friends, and a few of ours wandered over as well. Stella and I dragged Terrance and Armand over to the photographer first, wanting to get pictures while we were still perfect. After the professional photos, we played around with the 360 cameras, first the couples, then Stella and me together.

After finally putting his foot down on pictures, Terrance dragged us over to the buffet to have dinner. He complained, saying he didn't get to eat anything before he left. Considering I only had a light breakfast and lunch, I was also pretty hungry. We all piled our plates and went back to the table. We had a great time laughing, cracking jokes, and talking with each other.

For a little while, it got pretty annoying. Several girls I was only acquaintances with kept coming over to say hi and do the phony squealing with me. However, I knew it was exactly that, phony, seeing as every girl kept eyeing Armand and asking me numerous questions on how I knew him and if he was my boyfriend or just a date, as if their next move would be based on my answer. I was getting seriously annoyed, but it was also entertaining in its own right. After multiple questions, Armand started answering for me, saying he was my boyfriend and pulling me close, kissing on my hands or the side of my head. The girls finally got the hint, and they all walked off disappointed with envious glares aimed at me.

Despite my annoyance, nothing topped what happened after we chased Armand's admirers away. As we were finishing dinner, Angela Thompson and a couple of her friends came to our table and draped her arms over Terrance's back in a hug. Stella got hot quickly, but Terrance quickly removed her arms from around him and looked around. She had a smirk on her face, put her hands on her hips, and said, "Hey Terrance, you looked good tonight. You could have had a real bad bitch on your arm tonight; I mean, look at me, but you missed your beat, baby."

We all stared at her. Angela wasn't ugly by any means; she could be a cute girl if her attitude weren't so ugly. But in all honesty, she was definitely basic and not nearly as fine as she clearly thought she was. She was tall and thin, not much of a shape, but that didn't stop her from putting on a light pink satin dress with a v-cut down to her bellybutton showing off her small breast and then back out, that flared out at the bottom with a high slit up to the thigh. Her makeup was a little heavy but not horrible, and her hair was in an elaborate updo.

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