Chapter 15

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After going over a few more points, everyone got ready to go. Mom gathered my things and pulled the car around. Grandma and the others were standing outside in front of the house, talking as they got ready to go their separate ways. Grandma hugged me tightly, kissed my cheek, and said, "Call me this week, baby; let me know how you're doing." I said, "Yes, grandma, see you next weekend." I said goodbye to the other elders and Ms. Delphine, and surprisingly, so did Ms. Eleanora hugged me. Mr. Valentin smiled and shook my hand, and Mr. Saint-Claire gave me a respectful nod.

After all my goodbyes, Armand pulled me over to the side as his grandfather was talking to the other elders. He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I put my arms around his neck, or at least as close as I could, which was just a little below his shoulders. He said, "I'm going to miss you. Now I wish we went to the same school." I giggled and said, "Then we would see too much of each other. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that good shit." He groaned and said, "Just let them little niggas at your school know you're taken, baby." I said, "Maybe." He raised an eyebrow and said, "Don't forget who you are dating, sweetheart. Mess around and get someone fucked up."

I said, "Luckily for you, I'm a one-man woman. So, no worries." He said, "Better be." He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips deepening it as he went. Then we heard a car horn and jumped apart. I saw my mom in the car with my aunt Kia standing beside it, smirking at us as she talked to her. I groaned and said, "This will be a long ride." He looked over his shoulder where his grandfather was looking at us with disapproving eyes, and my grandmother pretended nothing was happening. He said, "Yea, but I don't think you're going to get it nearly as bad. I think your mom is kind of happy." I groaned again and said, "I'll text you once I'm home. He nodded, kissed me on the forehead, and then walked me to the car. He opened the door for me to get in and said, "See you later, Mrs. Baker." My mom said, "You get better now soon, baby. You hear me? And when you are, we can have a little chat, all right?"

He got a nervous look on his face but nodded before walking off quickly as he could. My aunt Kia said, "Nice job, niece, very nice job." Mom said, "Kia, hush, don't encourage her." Kia said, "You already said he looks good. Don't get funny now." Mom said, "Bye, Kia," and got ready to roll off. Aunt Kia reached through the window to hug me and said, "He fine girl, go ahead now." I laughed awkwardly, and my mom rolled her eyes as she waved to everyone, and we drove home.

My mom gave me a lecture the whole ride about appropriate behavior, sleeping with boys, and safe sex. Even though she knew I was still a virgin, I'm guessing she figured it wouldn't be the case for long. The talk was embarrassing and long, but I knew she meant well, and I couldn't blame her. It was really bad to be caught sleeping with your boyfriend in your grandmother's house. Once we pulled up to the house, though, she turned to me and said, "I am happy for you, baby. I can tell you two really like each other, and I hope that your shared past doesn't affect your future with each other." I said, "Thank you, mom. I really do like him." She smiled and said, "All right in the house and in the bed. You can take tomorrow off, but I expect you to go to school on Wednesday." I said, "Yes, ma'am, " grabbed my things, and headed into the house.

I spent all Tuesday alone in the house on the phone with Armand. He would be out the remainder of the week, and we were both going a little stir-crazy. After spending Sunday and Monday cooped up, it was getting boring. The whole day we spent learning more about each other. We did the typical question asking, favorite colors (his green, mine blue), favorite food (him Italian, me seafood), places to travel (him Japan, me Paris). He told me more about what it was like to grow up with his grandparents, and I told him about life with my mom. We touched briefly on his mom and my dad and how that affected us growing up. We even dug into past relationships, his much more extensive than mine, and what we wanted out of any relationship.

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