Chapter 22

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I woke quickly to find Armand and I were flipped over in the car, but surprisingly, I didn't feel any injuries outside of the major headache that had cropped up. Blinking a few times, I looked around and saw Armand upside down next to me, looking as if he was also waking up.

Once he was alert, he began to panic but looking over at me and seeing I was alert and seemingly ok, he immediately calmed down. He whispered, "You ok, baby?" I nodded and said, "We need to get out of here." He said, "Don't move; I'm going to get unbuckled and get you out. He braced himself against the side of the car where he dropped a little before, maneuvered towards me, and unbuckled me as well. Somehow the car didn't seem too damaged, and he could open the door and crawl out.

I heard him suddenly say quietly, "Whoa," before rushing to my side and opening the door for me to crawl out as well, which wasn't easy considering my dress was all over the place. Once I was out, I could see what he was stunned by.

Surrounding us and the car was what I guessed was a force field made of soft golden light. He said, "Did you do this, baby?" Stunned, I only said, "I guess so."

A cold voice behind us said, "Well, congratulations, you can do something with your power, child. Too bad it won't be enough. Don't worry; I'll take the burden off your hands."

Armand and I spun around with him, trying to push me behind him. The shield of light began to dissipate. I could guess that that was why she didn't attack us immediately after the car flipped; it was protecting us, and she couldn't get through. Now all bets were off.

Naamah stood several yards from us, looking at what was supposed to be the wreckage of the car. I gripped Armand's hand tightly and stood beside him instead of behind him.

"Did you have nothing better to do than try and ruin our night? What kind of bitter old bitch ruins her son's prom?" She didn't react other than narrowing her eyes at me.

"It's better to catch your prey off guard, dear." I gripped Armand's hand tight to get his attention and whispered, "Run and go get help." He shook his head and turned to his mother. "Why can't you leave us the fuck alone? You are never going to get what you want. You're bitter over a man from almost 20 years ago that didn't want you! Give up; you were never going to be his, you'll never have his power, and you will always remain a miserable old witch with delusions of what she thought she could be!"

In an instant, Armand was up in the air and thrown across the park, landing far away from us. I turned, thinking the whole time Armand was antagonizing his mother about what I could do, so even though I was worried about Armand, I needed to act asap. I pulled on my magic and started ripping trees up by the roots around me, and seconds after she threw Armand, I launched several trees at her.

Not prepared for my attack, she had to dodge physically, but she wasn't a powerful witch for show. As she danced through my attack, she began throwing her own magic at me trying to catch me off guard. I ducked and moved, trying to dodge, which was made damn near impossible with my dress. I knelt, touching the soft grass and connecting my powers through the earth. The grass and dirt came up like a tidal wave, and I pushed it towards Naamah, trying to create a cyclone and distract her for a moment. It worked and gave me the time I needed to rip my dress up to my thigh to provide myself with some mobility. I had a feeling Naamah came to finish this, and I didn't want to be at a disadvantage.

She banished my storm of dirt, and I saw her eyes start glowing from across the park. Without hesitation, I began throwing all types of spells and magic back-to-back, even though I knew it might weaken me. If I could finish it quickly, she wouldn't have time to push me.

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