Chapter 30

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @jua177. How could I not after that super sweet message you left for me on my page. Hope y'all enjoy!

Alessia POV

"Let's practice one more time."

It was the Thursday before our presentation. The group and I met up to practice. Somehow Kayla had gotten me to have it in my own house as well. When it came to grades, the girl was a total control freak. We had been at it for almost two hours and it still wasn't enough.

"Fine, but I'm cutting it off after this one," I complained to Kayla. I sunk down further in my seat, ready for it to be over with.

Jonathan and Parker sat across the table from Kayla and I. Both seemed as uncomfortable here as I did. Jonathan was anxiously tapping his pen against his notebook, trying to make eye contact with me. Parker was doing the opposite, avoiding my eyes as much as possible. Kayla said he was scared of me. Can't lie and say it didn't boost my confidence a little. The curly haired girl next to me seemed oblivious to the discomfort that enveloped the rest of us. She sat rereading her notes before turning back at us to begin.

"Ok, you go Parker," she dictated, her voice sterner than normal. Don't mess with this girl's grades. As Parker presented his part, Jonathan's phone buzzed.

"Jonathan turn your phone off," she looked over at him.

"Sorry, it's my mom. She says it's snowing," he laughed.

"Yeah right remind her we are in Houston," Parker rolled his eyes and walked over to the window. Pulling the blinds back to see through them, his eyes widened. "Well, I'll be damned. It's really snowing."

"What? No way," I jumped up from my seat. Running over to the window, pushing Parker out of the way. Opening the blinds for everyone, I was met with an unbelievable sight. White flurries hurried to the ground which was already dusted white. The road was already covered with snow and it just continued to come down.

"Oh my god," Kayla said, her jaw on the floor.

"What are y'all going on about?" My mom said as she walked in though the hallway. "Oh my god," she gasped when she saw our front yard through the window. "It's snowing. Oh my."

"I guess that's our cue to leave then," Jonathan gathered his stuff into his bag, stepping away from the window.

"No," my mom stopped him. "You can't go anywhere with it coming down like this. I'm sure none of y'all have any experience driving in the snow or on snowy roads."

"But-" Jonathan started again.

"No, buts. From any of you. Call your parents and tell them you are staying until it clears up and if it doesn't before dark you are staying here. All of you." She pointed to the three teenagers in the room with me. "I need to call my husband real quick." My mom headed back into her office, not before she sent another pointed look towards Jonathan.

"I guess I need to call my mom," he sighed in defeat. Placing his bag back on to the table, Jonathan pulled out his phone and made his way into the kitchen. "Hey, Mom..."

Kayla sent a quick text to her parents that she was spending the night. We had been friends so long that her parents would be okay with the last minute plans, especially if it meant she wouldn't be driving in the current weather. Parker on the other hand seemed like he had to go to war, not call his parents.

"I'm sure it will be fine," Kayla said to her boyfriend. "Things will let up and you can get home."

"Yeah you are probably right," he nodded, trying to gain the courage to pick up the phone and call. "We really won't be here all night."

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