Chapter 25

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Alessia POV

"Did you miss me?" I burst through Jonathan's door. It was Friday afternoon. I had been waiting for our tutoring session ever since I had dropped Jonathan off last Saturday. It was kinda boring without him.

"Hey, Alessia," he smiled as he came out of his room. "You know how to knock right?"

"Where is the fun in that?" I smirked at him as I walked past him into the kitchen. Dropping my bag on the table, I sat down.

"Someone is excited for tutoring," Jonathan chuckled as he took the seat next to me.

"This has been the first time I've left the house since school on Tuesday, Jonathan," I groaned.

"What about Thanksgiving?" He asked.

"It was at my house. I mean we went up to my Abuela's Wednesday, but that doesn't count. I am starved of normal human interaction. My family isn't enough."

"You are so dramatic," he rolled his eyes, still smiling at me. "I'm sure you're excited for Trig review."

"I'm not that desperate."

"Fine, how about this? You finish the worksheet and we'll watch a movie," he picked up the worksheet we started last week.

"Seriously? You actually are gonna let me take a break?"

"If I'm being honest I'm tired, too," he sighed dramatically. "Now agree before I change my mind."

"No no. We have a deal," I smiled. Taking the worksheet from his hand, I began the first problem. An hour later, I looked up with a smile on my face. "Done."

"Lemme see," he took it from me to check the answers. "Great job, Alessia."

"Movie time?"

"Movie time."

"Yes," I pumped my fist in the air.

"Where do you want to watch it? I have my laptop and we can watch it in my room," he suggested.

"Yeah that's fine." I followed him into his room and plopped onto the bed. He ran from the door and jumped on next to me. Landing on the other side of bed, he made me bounce up in the air. When I made it back down again, I was right up against him. He smiled at me, our faces only centimeters apart. I felt the blood rush to my face as we laid there, neither of us daring to move. Butterflies filled my stomach as he continued to look at me. What is your deal? Get over yourself. Jonathan is your friend so why are you getting so flustered.

"Do you want popcorn?" He asked after a moment.

"Huh?" I said, snapping out of the trance I was in.

"For the movie?" He lifted an eyebrow up at me.

"Right, yeah that sounds good." He got up after I answered, over to his computer on the desk. A moment later, he handed his laptop to me. "Here you can look up a movie while I get the snacks."

Once Jonathan left the room, I quickly sat up on his bed. Running my hands over my face and through my hair, I groaned softly. You need to get yourself together. It's just Jonathan. It was just Jonathan. Just the boy who helped me when I had no one left to turn to. Just Jonathan who could make me smile even in my most bitchy moods. Just Jonathan who almost broke his hand punching my ex. Just Jonathan who made me feel strong when I was broken. Just Jonathan who was willing to piece me back together. Just Jonathan who saw the real me. I thought about all the times he had been there for me. All the times he tried so hard to make me smile or laugh. And it hit me.

Picture PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora