Chapter 12

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Alessia POV

It had been another month of school and tutoring until it was finally the end of first quarter. Thanks to Jonathan I had finally finished all of my work. Yes, even trig. Over the past month we hadn't worked on the project much and Kayla was still avoiding me. Not that I was really going out of my way to talk to her. Damien had called a few times and even tried to convince me to sneak out for a party with him a couple of weeks ago. I had told him no and he's been distant ever since, having texted me only once to say "sorry :(". That was it.

Today was the day I was supposed to get my report card. I had been anxious ever since first block, something I haven't felt for school in a while.

"Hey, Sia, are you going to homecoming?" I returned from my thoughts, remembering I was still at lunch. Next to me was Hillary, waiting for an answer to her question.

"Oh I'm not sure," I shrugged. If my mom would even let me go, Damien probably wouldn't want to. "It's not really Damien and I's thing." At the mention of Damien, Hillary's smile faltered a little and Becca began to tense.

"Oh yeah I get it. Tickets go on sale tomorrow is why I am asking," Hillary nodded, her normal smile back on, before turning back to Becca. Throughout the rest of lunch Becca kept stealing glances at me. She'd been acting so weird lately, part of me wanted to ask her about it. I stopped myself though because we didn't know each other like that. It would be more awkward than anything.

It was finally the last block of the day. Report cards were supposed to be distributed before students left. My teacher ended class early and began to call out names alphabetically. It was times like this that I hated having my dads last name. V was always last.

"Alessia Vera," he called just barely before the bell rang for us to leave.

"Thank you," I muttered before making my way out the door, heading straight out of school to my car. I wanted to be there before Jonathan so we could open it together. As I pulled into the driveway, Jonathan's car was already there. He clearly had the same idea.

"You got it?" He asked as he got out of is car. I nodded quickly before hopping down out of my Jeep.

"You go first, Mr Straight A's."

"Wow thanks you ruined the surprise," he smirked and opened his envelope. As I had suspected, all high As. "Your turn."

"I can't. You open it." I shoved the envelope at him while he laughed at me. He opened and read it painfully slow. Giving me a weird look, he just shook his head. "Is it that bad?"

"Yeah. It's bad," he said slowly. "Looks like you don't need me anymore, Ms Straight As."

"Oh great." I muttered before it hit me. "Wait! What?!?"

"Look for yourself," he laughed and handed me the paper. He was right. There were four As on my paper. Sure they are low, some barely an A. But still.

"Oh my gosh!!!" I squealed and jumped into Jonathan's arms out of excitement. Luckily he managed to catch me and pick me up. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly put me down.

"Sorry. A force of habit with my sister," he apologized with a pink tint across his cheeks.

"I'm too happy to even tease you right now," I laughed before hugging him again. This time he hugged me back like normal. I shook us and began to jump a little. I hadn't been this excited in who knows how long.

"You deserve it," he said. I pulled back a little and just looked at him. The smile on his face gave away the fact that he was just as excited. I noticed that when he smiled this big, his dimples grew twice their size while his eyes began to disappear behind his cheeks. The way he knitted his eyebrows didn't help much either. His normally tamed curly hair was now in his face and frizzy. In his eyes I could see he was actually sincere and proud. Something I hadn't seen in a while.

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