Chapter 26

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Alessia POV
"Are you sure I have to go?"

Jonathan and I were back in his driveway, leaning against my car. He had one arm on my door, keeping me from getting into the car. The other arm was wrapped around my waist, pressing me against him.

"Yes. We have already discussed this," I rolled my eyes with a laugh. Pushing him off I continued, "Kayla probably thinks I'm dead by now, I'm like an hour late."

"You are so mean to your boyfriend you know that?" He smirked at me.

"Didn't know I had one," I smirked back, raising a challenging eyebrow. His smile faded before he moved his arm off the car door. Jonathan then began to kneel on the ground. Taking both my hands into his, he cleared his throat dramatically.

"Alessia Middle-Name Vera, would you do me the proudest honor and let me become your boyfriend?" He beamed up at me.

"If you insist, you dork," I chuckled and pulled him back up, kissing him softly. "It's Joy by the way. My middle name."

"Cute," Jonathan laughed. "That's good to know. I guess I'll let you go before Kayla sends a search party." He leaned down to kiss me once more when a big rain droplet fell onto my forehead. Looking up, the skies were filled with dark clouds. Larger droplets began to fall. A lot of them and fast.

"Wait a second," Jonathan said. He pulled the sweatshirt he was wearing off and offered it, "here."

Looking down, I realized it was the one he had offered to me a few weeks before. I muttered a thanks and pulled it over my head, letting the scent of him engulf me. "You are gonna get a cold standing here," I said as his soft curls began to collect the rain. I kissed him quickly and turned to open my door. "See you later, babe." Driving off, he just watched me go. He stood there in the rain, a goofy smile plastered across his face. And as I pulled away, a similar one was on mine.

Kayla swung her door open as soon as I pulled into her driveway. "Where have you been?" She yelled from her door. The rain had gotten much worse since I had left Jonathan's so I had to run from my car and into her house.

"I was with Jonathan and we kinda lost track of time, sorry," I said to her, covering my blush with my wet hair.

"It's pouring out there," she stared at the mop of curls forming around my face from the rain. Her eyes then went down to notice the hoodie I had on. "Isn't that Jonathan's?" She gave me a sly smile.

"Yeah it is. He gave it to me when it started to rain," I explained as we headed up to her room.

"How sweet," she beamed at me, an eyebrow raised curiously. "Why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not," I shrugged her off and laid on top of her bed.

"You haven't looked me in the eyes since I mentioned Jonathan, did something happen?"

"I mean," I trailed off.

"Oh my god. I knew it. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me," she hopped on the bed next to me.

"Knew what? I didn't say anything."

"Oh come on. You've been blushing since you got here, you lost track of time with Jonathan, and you are even wearing his sweatshirt," she tugged at said hoodie. "Now spill."

"Fine, you got me," I put my hands in the air. "Jonathan and I are together now, I guess."


"Shhh!" Pulling her back down from where she had hopped up to, I continued. "You are gonna scare your parents."

"That's not important. When did this happen? How did this happen?"

Picture PerfectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora