Chapter 13

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Alessia POV

Jonathan and I rode together over to the pizza place, my mom following us since she didn't know exactly where it was. I had texted my dad the address so hopefully he didn't get lost.

"Do you have to change the station every minute?" Jonathan laughed at me.

"Um, yeah. I don't like commercials. They make me car sick," I said matteroffactly. To prove a point I changed the radio again in the middle of the song. He just laughed again at me as I started to dance to the music.

"Is your mom here yet?" I asked after he parked in front of the restaurant. It was a cute hole in the wall type of place, which basically guaranteed it had to be good pizza.

"Yeah she just pulled in," he nodded towards a van a few cars down from us. Taking off my seatbelt, I climbed out of his car and waited for his lead to head over. At the sight of Jonathan, the doors open and out came two boys. One, who looked about eight or so ran over to meet us.

"Johnnyyyyy," he yelled.

"Hey bud, how was school?" Jonathan hugged the younger boy.

"Terrible what do you mean? It's school." The kid grunted. I definitely was going to like this kid.

"School is amazing. What are you talking about?" Jonathan laughed at his brothers antics. "Zach, I want you to meet Alessia. She's my friend from school."

"Hey, Alessia, I'm Zach," he walked over to my side of the car and extended his hand.

Taking it, I smiled and said, "it's nice to meet you. Tell me are you cooler than your brother?"

"Of course," he smirked after he let go of my hand.

"That's what I thought too. Looks like we'll be great friends then," I laughed, looking at Jonathan with teasing eyes.

"This is exactly what I need, you two on a team against me," he groaned before laughing himself. "Let's head over to Mom." Nodding towards the van, he led us over to where the rest of his family was. "Hey Mom"

"Hey Jonathan, honey," a woman's voice said from the other side of the car. A moment later, a shorter woman with blonde curly hair came around the front of the van. She looked to be in her late thirties and had a tired smile on her face. On her hip was a little girl that looked exactly the woman holding her, with curly blonde hair and big brown eyes.

"Hi, I'm Jonathan's mother, but you can call me Sadie," she smiled, a warm one just like Jonathan's. She had similar eyes to Jonathan as well, ones that became very small when a smile was on her face. That's mostly where the resemblance stopped, however. He must look like his dad.

"Hi, I'm Alessia. It's great to meet you Sadie," I said as sweet as I could. It had been a while since I met someone I wanted to make a good impression on. Not that I was too sure why.

"Here, take your sister Jonathan so I can give this girl a hug," she handed the little girl to Jonathan and wrapped her arms around me. I returned the hug and couldn't help but smile. "You are even prettier than Jonathan said." Did he think I was pretty? Of course he did, I mean a lot of guys do so what? It doesn't mean anything. Right?

"Mom," he blushed, visibly embarrassed by what his mother had said. Ignoring him, she went back to the van and began to unbuckle a little boy. Knowing that I had a blush on my face as well, I turned towards the girl in his arms.

"Hi, I'm Alessia. What's your name?" I asked softly. The girl seemed to be three, maybe four.


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