Chapter 18

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Jonathan POV

I watched Alessia walk into her house, still a little pissed off. The scumbag would probably get away with it. I looked over at the house across the street and there he stood. Damien was getting out of his flashy sports car, seeing me look at him. He waved smugly, has face filling with disgust as he looked at me and my car. Running off of the anger I had in me still, I quickly got out of the car and made my way over to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you man," I marched over to him and his car. As I got closer, I realized how much bigger he was than me. I stood at least four inches shorter than him, enough for him to tower over me.

"Gotta problem?" he smirked at me, leaning up against his car.

"Yeah I do. You have some nerve trying to twist what happened between you and Alessia. She had been nothing but an amazing girlfriend to you, and from what I can tell, you are a piece of shit," I cursed at him. Something I have never done before. My mom would kill me.

"I don't know what that bitch told you, but I haven't done nothing. She's the one with issues."

"She didn't have to tell me anything. I saw the bruises on her arm. And her wrists. So I think you are actually the one with issues, asshole."

"Well maybe she shouldn't go around screwing any guy who looks her way. I'm sure you know it too, she's just a fatass slu-" In that moment I forgot everything that my mom taught me. For once, I didn't take the high road. And it hurt. A lot.

The second my fist went across Damiens smug face, I knew I had probably messed up. Luckily, it had taken more than just me by surprise. Damien fell all on the ground, totally fazed by what just happened. Makes two of us. I walked off and got into my car, driving off before he could react.

My mom would kill me.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I stood in the doorway to Jane's home office. It was after tutoring, Friday afternoon before I went off to work.

"Yeah, sure what's up?" Alessia's mom took of her glasses, switching her focus away from the computer.

"I don't think I can do this anymore," I walked into the room.

"I'm sorry what? I thought everything was great with you and Alessia?"

"It is. That's why I'm here. Its just that I don't think it's fair to her," I scratched the back of my neck. "I can't take your money for being her friend. She needs a real one."

"I'm not sure I follow. Are you quitting?" Jane started to stand up from behind her desk.

"Not exactly. I will continue to be her tutor, but you have to pay me at my normal rate." She just nodded, wanting me to explain further. "Alessia is a strong girl, just like you. I mean-she told me about you and your husbands story. What I mean to say is, although she is tough, she needs someone to lean on. I want to be that person to her. I want to be her friend, but not because I'm being paid."

"Jonathan, I don't know what to say, except that I am glad Alessia has you," she smiled at me. "I'm not sure what is going on with her, I assume she told you about our fight as well." I nodded before she continued, "but it makes me feel better that you are her friend." Jane walked around her desk and gave me a tight hug, it felt a lot like my mom's.

"I don't have all the extra money you gave me, but here I can't accept this," I pulled out my wallet, "I can give you the rest on Tuesday."

"Absolutely not, Jonathan. I will not accept your money, you are lucky that I am paying you two dollars less at all." The determined woman pushed my wallet away from her.

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