Chapter 2

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Alessia POV

Here I was at a random house party, when I was supposed to be home. What could go wrong? Cat had ditched me a few minutes in to go dance with some people from her school. I hadn't seen Damien yet, so I decided to head to the patio where a pool party was going on. I was definitely not in the mood to explain to my mom if I got caught why I was soaking wet, so I stayed clear of that. Heading over to the other side of the yard, I noticed a fire pit. Maybe there was s'mores. Sugar has been and always be my weakness.

"Hey, baby girl." I turned to see Damien walking over to meet me by the fire. He put his arm around me, kissing my cheek before turning my head to lay one on me. He had always been a big fan of PDA, while I really wasn't. It had to do with him making sure "everyone knows I'm his" or something.

"Hey, D. Where have you been? I didn't see you earlier." I smiled when he pulled away.

"I just got here, my parents needed me to run an errand."

"Really?" That was weird his parents hardly ever asked him to do something, partly because he would refuse. Which makes the fact he actually did it even weirder. "What did you have to do?"

"Nothing important. How about I get us some drinks?"

"No thanks, I'm not drinking tonight, not after the week my mom and I have had together."

"Suit yourself, I'm going to get some beer. I'll be back in a second." Damien headed to the outdoor bar that was set up next to the pool. After he made it  through the crowd of drunk teenagers, he sat down next to me.

"Whatcha thinking bout, babe?"

"It's just weird, your parents never ask you to do anything."

"Tell me about it. They can be so much." He tried to kiss me again, but this time I stopped him.

"Then why did you do it? It's not like you've ever listened before?" He was obviously hiding something and it really pissed me off.

"I wanted to get them off my back. What's with all the questions?" Now he was pissed, great.

"What's with all of the subject changes?" All he did was roll his eyes and stand up, as if that was a decent answer. "If it's not important, why can't you just tell me what it is?"

"Alessia, what is your deal tonight? I rush all of the way over here to spend time with you and all you want to do is fight?"

"That's not fair. I don't want to fight, I just don't understand why you can't tell me what it was."

"I had to run some papers over to my dad at work. He's leaving for Japan. There are you happy now," Damien retorted. "I hope it was worth it." And with that he stomped off into the house.

"There goes our wonderful night together," I muttered before getting us as well. Wanting to for once to be somewhere besides a lame party.

"Siiiiaaaaaa, where've you been?" Catarina had found me after she had what looks like a few beers and tequila. "Letsss partyyyyy," she slurred.

"I'm not too sure I'm in the mood anymore. I think I'm just gonna head home." I said before pulling out my phone to get an Uber.

"No way, girlie. You aren't going nowhere. We are going to dance the bitchiness out of you," she laughed pulling me inside to the dance floor.

"There isn't enough time to do that," I rolled my eyes, taking Cat's arms off me. "I mean it I'm going home, it's only 10 so I can get some studying in."

"Exactly, it's only 10. You can't go home for hours, besides you don't actually give a fuck about your grades anyway."

"But my mom does. I'm leaving." I turned on my heels, heading for the door.

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