Chapter 10

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Alessia POV

"Hey, Mom. I have people from a school project coming after school today. Is that ok?" I grabbed an apple from the table and headed to the fridge to get some juice.

"You have tutoring with Jonathan don't you?"

"He's in the group, our math classes combined, so we partnered up." This brought a smile to her face. "Not like that Mom," I groaned.

"If you say so," she chuckled, "if Jonathan is okay with it then it's fine with me." She turned to grab her briefcase off the counter before heading out the door with a loud 'Love you'. I grabbed my book bag and followed suit.

After I pulled into the parking lot, I headed towards the library knowing the girl I needed to talk to would be there. Kayla Turner.

Kayla and I always would meet up in the library to do homework before school. Well mostly me and she would sit with me. After a while the librarian made her the before school assistant to help check in and out books. Last I heard she still did it and when I opened the door I saw her standing behind the desk, confirming my assumption.

I had always been jealous of how pretty she was. With her dark, chocolatey skin and her beautiful curls, she was absolutely gorgeous. She was about my height but looked taller because of her thin frame with long legs.

"Are you checking in or out a book?" She asked without looking up from the papers in front of her, her normal curls pulled up in a loose bun.

"No I need to talk to you," I said softly. At the sound of my voice she looked up with her eyebrows knitted.

"Sia-Alessia. What do you need?" She said cautiously. Not that I really blamed her.

"I don't know if Mrs. Powell told you or not but we are doing a project with two other guys. One of them was supposed to reach out to you, but I doubt he did."

"Oh, no they didn't. Is that it?" She sighed.

"Yeah just about. We are meeting at my house after school if you are free. Do you remember where it is?"

"I do." A sad look came across her face and one threatened to come on mine.

"Good. See you then," I basically ran out of the library, not ready to admit how hard that was for me. How could I feel like a stranger to someone who was my best friend? Well it was my fault. Cant really blame her.

All I had to do was get through this project without getting killed by Kayla. Or Parker for that matter.
"Mom, what are you doing home?"

"I had a doctors appointment. I just got home and thought I'd make some cookies for your classmates. I'm pretty sure Jonathan loved the chocolate chip ones I made last week, right?"

"Mom. You act as if he's your kid or something. I'm sure anything is fine."

"It's called being a good host, Sia. Do you have a problem with me being home?" Yes. It would be hard enough seeing Kayla without my mom here.

"No it's fine. Thank you for the cookies." After I said this the bell rang. Here goes nothing.

I opened the door to be met with a smile and a scowl, take your guess on who it is.

"Hey guys, you can head to the dining room where we normally are," I said. Jonathan nodded and led Parker to the table.

"Are they here?" My mom poked her head through the archway. Seeing both the boys she walked into the room. "Hey Jonathan, how are you?

"I'm good, ma'am."

"What did I tell you about saying ma'am? You make me feel like I'm 50 or something. Just call me Jane and that goes for you too," my mom looked over at Parker sitting next to Jonathan.

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