Dead Hinata: listen to song ^

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It was a few weeks until Hinata's birthday and we was staying with Yachi to practice.
"You can't keep overworking yourself like this! Your body needs time to rest!" she would always say to him. But he would always say this to her to make her feel bad, "Don't you want me to improve?"
Eventually, his heart began to ache when he was practicing spiking with Kageyama and Tsukishima. He passed out whilst jumping and fell and hit his head.
"Hinata! Are you ok!?!?" said Kageyama
"Awh, the king is looking after his Queen! Hinata will be fine! He's just being dramatic" smirked Tsukishima
"You better be right you salty beanpole!"
They put Hinata on the bench to rest. 
He had by now been resting for the entire day. Kageyama decided to take Hinata with him on his back and go home. 
"Rest well, Hinata"
The next day, Kageyama went to check on Hinata but he was still sleeping. He went up to him to check if he was breathing. "W-w-what?...." stuttered Kageyama in disbelief, "n-no Hinata! Y-you can't leave me like this!"
Kageyama decided to skip school for the day and go to the hospital to check on him.
He decided to text the Volleyball GC with the most people who know Hinata.
Main Vollyball GC
Kageyama: Guys!
Daichi: Kageyama! Where are you? Are you with Hinata?!
Tsukishima: What does the king want?
Kageyama: This isn't about me! Its about Hinata
Kenma: I have been summoned
Kuroo: Whats up with the shorty?
Kageyama: And Daichi, I am with Hinata.
Daichi: Where are you guys! Its the middle of school!
Kageyama: The ****** Hospital..
Kenma: What did you guys do to Shoyo!?!
Kageyama: He fainted yesterday during practice and was asleep for the whole day. I decided to bring him home with me to give him comfort but.... When I went to his room, h-he wasn't
Daichi: He wasn't what?
Kageyama: b-breat-breathing...
Kageyama: Please h-hurry!

Irl- at ****** Hospital
"I hate to say this... But we couldn't save him..." said the nurse
"I-i.... C-could I-i a-ask a q-question?" asked Kenma
"Sure... Anything"
"How did Shoyo die?"
"He died from overworking himself..... Possibly one of your friends know, its physically impossible to play volleyball alone"
"Ok thank you..." everyone said in unison.
"I might know someone who could have practiced with him..." said kageyama, crying
"Y-y-yachi... W-when m-me a-and H-hinata fought, s-she h-helped m-me Practice.."
They decided to call Yachi to ask if she knew anything.
"Y-yes... He would beg me to practice with him everyday after you guys practiced together. He told me that he practiced so much because he wanted to match up, even beat Kageyama in volleyball. I would always tell him to stop overworking himself but he wouldn't listen!"
"Yes but you agreed to help him practice eventhough he was clearly overworking himself-"
"I kept telling him but he always made me feel bad by saying that I didn't want him to improve and beat Kageyama"
Kageyama took the phone and hung up immediately.
"I-it's m-my fault h-hes dead..."
"No it's not!" said Sugawara comfortingly 
"It is though!..... If it weren't for me, he wouldn't be dead!"
He left the hospital crying unstoppably. 
His funeral was going to be set on his birthday which was even worse. 
Every time he set, he never felt the same. He wouldn't hear someone yelling his name or screaming to set it to him. 
"Get over him!" girls would say to him.
But.. he wouldn't, he couldn't.... even if he wanted to... Hinata was the love of his life, his soul mate....
It was time for the funeral. He couldn't explain his feelings... All he could think of was that it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for him.
Practically all different teams came to his funeral but then, people let Kageyama have some time to himself to talk to Hinata.
"I'll miss you forever Hinata... Not for long though... Because I'll join you soon, my little Tangerine..."
"I wished you would have just told me... Everyone is going to miss you so much... Including Tsukishima... Everyone...Wait for me in heaven.. Ok my little Tangerine? I love you so much Hinata! Even though you aren't here right now... I'll join you soon, baby.."
Everyone else said their goodbyes but Kageyama didn't really have to say goodbye.
A few weeks later, it was confirmed that Kageyama had commit suicide to join Hinata.
He recorded his last words they were.
"I'll miss everyone here...I-i just can't live without Hinata... I'm sorry... I hope you guys are able to move on from this... I can't live in this world of hell anymore... Sayonara..."

If  you don't know what sayonara means, it's the Japanese word for goodbye/bye

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