Middle school Kageyama: Listen to song ^

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This is coming from a Kageyama kinnie.
This also doesn't actually happen but this is how I see Kageyama.

Kageyama in middle school was seen as the arrogant king that everyone should avoid. He didn't look like he cared at all. The truth was, yeah, it was a cool nickname and anyone would be happy to have it. Its just the meaning behind it that killed him so badly. 

He was scared though. It didn't look like it, but he was terrified  of imperfection. He hated not being the setter that people relied on. He didn't want to show his insecurities to them since he knew that it would have effected his performance as a setter and would mess it up for the whole team, so he covered it up by being rude to them.

He tried so hard to be the person people could identify as the perfect setter. He was constantly told that his sets were too difficult to adjust to so each time, he tried adjusting his set to match their playing style. Each time they were told that it was different and that they had learned to hit it a different way.  

It irritated him that he couldn't just have one time where his team said that it was easy to hit and that he had been doing great work. 

During his last match in middle school, he kept setting to them and continuously missing spikes. His mind wanted to apologise but he couldn't. He had already built up a reputation of being the self-centred king of the court.

When the other team were at set point, Kageyama set the ball to the other side of the court, ready for a spiker to hit. However, when he set it, it was short and the ball landed next to the spiker.

He automatically felt like he had to apologise so he tried. 
"I- I'm sorry"
They looked at him surprised and then started laughing.
"Really? You? Sorry? Hate to break it to you, but you and sorry can't be mixed. You really can't do anything right can you?" they said to him.

He glared at them and turned around. When he turned around, he started crying.
He went over to the coach and asked if he could go to the bathroom. Coach said yes and he ran there and cried harder. 
He looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself
"I really can't do anything right.."

He pointed at his mirrored self and asked "Is that who I really am?"

When he went back to the court, the game had already started. He sat on the bench and said something under his breath "I really am useless..."

His coach noticed that he had said something but he didn't hear it properly. When coach asked, he just said "Oh nothing, I'm completely fine!" even though his inner self was dying inside 

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