Sakuatsu Breakup(Angst)Listen to song^

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Idea is from bakagzz

Sakusa and Atsumu have been dating for years. And one day, Atsumu decided that he didn't want to have to call his "omi" his boyfriend anymore.
He was going to ask kiyomi in person.
Sakusa replied saying "yes... I also have something to tell you"
They met up at the local park, atsumu with a small box in his pocket.
"You can go first.." said atsumu.
"Ok... I want to break up" he said turning to face atsumu.
".... What?"
Atsumu had a box with a ring inside whilst being on one knee.
He looked at sakusa. He didn't look like he cared at all.
"Did you ever even like me?" Asked atsumu
"I'm going to be honest here... No... Not really... I never liked you..."sakusa replied, "the only reason I dated you was because nobody else would. I made you look less lonely... So from now on. You're not one of my top options"
"I-" atsumu started as he ran away crying
"NO I DID EVERYTHING FOR YOU! I BOUGHT A DIAMOND RING FOR YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT COST ME? I SOLD ALL OF MY ROOM DECORATIONS, MY TRAINING EQUIPMENT, MY FAVOURITE THINGS AND EVEN MY CHILDHOOD! All just to buy a ring for someone who never liked me and probably never will." He said furiously "well now I can say one thing to you. I. Hate. You."
It was only 3 words that he'd heard millions of times but this one time... It hurt the most.
"Well... Guess there's no hope in us even being friends anymore..."

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