VII Taylor

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- Oh! I screamed as even more hairs were pulled from my body with a painful jerk.

- Please someone! said Amelia Bones in her capital dialect. Stop moaning!

- Men, Amelia, and Emily Wans. You have to admit that we have heard worse.

And then they laughed a loud hissing laugh. They are my stylists and I hate them. I have to go down in a tub with a strange liquid that first burns and then relieves. Then comes my stylist Julian Brown. He glanced at me and then told me to go.

I had been given a room above the gym and I went there. That night was a sleepless night and when I went to breakfast I looked awful. Derik was already sitting there waiting for me but I ignored his morning greeting.

Do not try with me, I thought bitterly. I do not want to get to know you, because then it will be twice as difficult to kill you.

I went straight after breakfast down to the place where we would get our clothes. Julian Brown was already standing there waiting for me.

- Put on this one, he said and put on a broken coat.

- What is this? I asked both surprised and annoyed.

- You will see, he said and left. One thing was for sure Julian did not want me to win.

When we were going to start riding our triumphal chariots, I noticed that Derik also had a cloak.

But when Derik and I started riding, our coats flew off. For a few seconds I thought I was completely naked. But when I was about to look down, I involuntarily wavered and Derik caught me. I saw myself on a big screen in Derik's arms and we looked like a couple. I jerked out of his grip and stood up. My green dress as I saw it had gone up a bit and I fixed it with an irritated movement. Julian Brown had probably thought that green had suited my eyes best, but I myself thought I looked like an asparagus.

But if I looked ridiculous, it was nothing compared to those from district 12, who had baggy overalls and a helmet with good luck they looked clearly laughable. Though they from district one were absolutely incomparably beautiful with their white horses first in. I also noticed a very muscular boy with silver armor from district 2 who had black curly hair and blue bright eyes. He gave me a look of hurt joy and I looked annoyed back at him and then turned his gaze away.

Next to him stood a beautiful girl with brown golden hair and ice blue eyes, she looked up at him to know why he was not looking ahead and then looked at me as if I was rubbish and looked ahead again.

I Will Survive (english)Where stories live. Discover now