V Taylor

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- Taylor! Taylor! it was Diana who screamed. I was lying on the ground. I felt some muscular hands grab me from behind and relentlessly lift me up in a standing position. I looked behind me, it was a peacekeeper. I saw Diana's shocked and frightened face before the peacekeeper pushed me forward towards the stadium. I freed myself from the peacekeeper and walked stiffly up the stairs to the stadium. I stood next to Addison smiling. I wanted to cut to Addison for that smile as if this was my best day of my life. I saw Leah in the crowd. She was crying and some of her friends from school had come to her to try to comfort her.

- Wonderful, uh ... Addison and looked down at my note. Taylor Wissbone. And now the boys' turn! She walked away towards the boys' globe. I could not even get nervous, even though this might decide whether I should live or die. But I did not really care. I was in a state of shock but soon I will understand that I will be thrown out in an arena to murder and probably be murdered.

- The boys' participants are ... Derik Williams! shouted Addison across the stadium. At first nothing happened but then I noticed a movement in the quiet crowd. And a boy a few years older than me came up. He had brown hair and brown eyes with a small spark of fear in them, but he was also muscular and handsome.

- Now you can shake hands with each other, Addison said graciously. I noticed that Derik was trying to catch my eye but I looked away, we took

each other's hands. His pressure was hard but I answered with at least as hard a grip, then we let go of our hands and went into the Court House.

I entered a beautiful room where there was a large nice leather armchair in the middle of the room and a fairly large chandelier. I sat down in the armchair. The first thought that struck me was if I should try to escape in this way, but it was not worth the risk. I fiddled a bit on the ring that was left on my finger but it was about to fall off because I was quite sweaty. Then the door opened slowly, mother and Leah came in. Mother with a chalk white face and Leah red and teary face. Then we hugged until a peacekeeper came and told mother and Leah to go out.

- I'll try to win! I called for them when the door closed. The next guest was Diana, we also hugged for a while but then I let go.

- Promise that for my sake you're looking for, Leah, I said.

"You know I will," said Diana. But you, Taylor ...

- Yes? I asked tentatively.

- You can rig snares and ... Diana started.

- No, Diana, I will not win, I interrupted. There are children who can handle weapons, snares are nothing if you can handle weapons. Diana shrugged and when the peacekeeper came in she went straight out.

After a while, a peacekeeper came in and said:

- You have no more visitors now. I went out with a peacekeeper to a train station. And then there was clicking sound everywhere, there were cameras everywhere. Derik came out after a while and all the cameramen seemed to take so many pictures of him that he had to go blind. I see us on two big screens and I quickly wipe away the tears, and then we get on the train.

The speed was overwhelming, this train was a high speed train. Elina Reger and Adison Chapman joined us on the train. Addison showed me a compartment that was completely my own only if I was done in an hour, she actually looked very jealous as if she would like to be thrown into an arena to die. I quickly saw how District 5 disappeared. District 5 everything I knew about that is now gone. I went to my closet and opened it, lots of clothes were in there but I just put on a red sweater and a pair of blue jeans and went out to the place where I was going to eat.

Addison chatted with Elina who seemed completely bored and when I arrived she actually got up and walked out of the cup. But Addison was very happy that I had come and repeated his capital dialect several times:

- Sit down, you can order wherever you want!

"Sure," I replied wearily. I looked at the menu and saw almost all the food I knew on it, but I was not hungry, the shock of being taken to the hunger games had completely made the idea of ​​food overshadowed so I ordered a cup of tea.

After a while, Derik entered the compartment. He wore the same clothes as me and it annoyed me a lot. I glared at him as he sat across from me and took a sip of the tea. It was very strong compared to the tea we made at home. Derik ordered a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Derik was two years older than me, I knew that because we went to the same school. But otherwise I do not know at all who he is.

After a while I went out of the cup and to what was my room. And there was the capital, big and beautiful with all the people painted on the streets. They understood that it was a player train and they went towards the train and stared at me and got excited but when I saw it I went out the window because it is their fault that I will die.

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