III Taylor

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I let out a small clip scream as the sharp needle penetrated my skin. But the peacemaker who did it seemed to enjoy my pain more than to be compassionate.

- Name? he asked bored.

- Taylor Wissbone, I said in response and he printed the blood on my name. Then I went to my age group. I was looking for Diana Willoner, my best friend and classmate. But there were many 14-year-olds between us so I could not get there.

- Diana! I shouted for her to understand that I was trying to find her.

- Taylor? Taylor! she said, pushing herself towards me. A leaf had stuck to her black hair and I quickly removed it. Taylor, I'm really sorry.

- What? I asked because I did not understand what she meant.

- Your sister, said Diana and actually looked sad.

- Well, that, I replied. I just do not hope that she will be selected, I mean it is such a small chance. Diana looked at me compassionately and took my hand.

- By the way, happy hunger game ... I started.

- And let the odds always be favorable for you, Diana finished my sentence and then we laughed heartily.

- Happy hunger game on you and always let the odds be favorable for you, said Addison Chapman, our escort and presenter.

There were three chairs and a lectern in the small stadium in front of the court house. In one sat James Smith, our mayor. He was a tall and thin man with a bushy mustache and small pig eyes that looked menacingly over the children and the audience.

In another sat Elina Redger who was our latest winner from District 5. Elina Redger was a muscular woman with rat-colored hair with a few streaks of gray and a rather dull facial expression.

Then in the last chair sat then Addison Chapman, she looked happy but everyone knew she would love to change districts to one of the first four districts. Addison Chapman was a tall woman with an awe-inspiring face, black straight hair and olive complexion. You would think she was from District 12 if you had not seen all the colorful clothes she wore every year.

I looked intently at the two glass globes that contained our names. I heard a bell ring and the mayor stood behind the rostrum and began to read. It's the same story they told every year. He tells the story of Panem, the country that rose from the ashes of what was once called North America. He talks about the disasters, the dry spells, the storms, the fires, the rising seas that up so much of the country and the brutal war about the little that was left. The result was Panem.

The mayor chatted a bit about how beautiful the capital is and how much we have to thank them for and reminded them how important it is to the dark times are not repeated. The rules for the hunger games were simple. As punishment for the uprising, each district must provide a girl and a boy who must compete, these are called game youths. The twenty-four competitors are trapped in a vast arena that can consist of basically anything. The last surviving player wins and is allowed to return home to his district. It was fifteen years since District 5 won. Our 27-year-old President Coriolanus Snow had been adamant about this every year. Those who did not take part in the mowing were to be captured.

- This is a time for both remorse and gratitude, the mayor said in an unusually mechanical voice. And then he read out the names of our winners. In twenty-four years we have had two winners from District 5 whose only one lives. When Elina Redger's name was pronounced, she did not even stand up but just gave an impatient nod and sat down a little more comfortably in her chair.

Yes, it would not have been fun to have this job every year in the expectation that someone else would take over her meaningless job, I thought to myself.

Now Mayor Addison presented Chapman. Addison chatted for a while about what an honor it was to be here but I was not particularly attentive anymore. We heard this every year and she said about the same thing.

- Now it's time for the draw! said Addison and I woke up with a jerk to the present. Ladies First! I held my breath, it was such a thrill that you could feel it. The only one besides Addison who was breathing was Elina, she seemed most bored and it really annoyed me. Addison almost jumped to the right globe and stuck his hand in it. I got a stomach ache, the tension was unbearable. Addison pulled a note from the glass bowl and said in a clear voice:

- Taylor Wissbone!

I Will Survive (english)Where stories live. Discover now