II Martin

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- Fight! Martin, give it your all! my father shouted at me, but I still could not. I dropped the heavyweights with a bang on the ground. I could hear my father muttering loudly. I was strong but training for two hours to lift heavy weights is still awful.

- Martin! John! cried mother from the door. You have worked for hours and Martin also needs to put on clothes for the mowing. I went to our house happy for a reason to stop exercising. But before I could walk in the door, my father stopped me.

- Martin, I think you're ready, he said. I knew what he meant. Ready to participate in the hunger games. Mother did not want to let me participate in the games until I was sixteen and now I was. Personally, I was not so excited about participating in the games, but I have to do it. Participate in the games as a careerist. My dark black hair was glued to my forehead as I entered the house. I assumed my clothes were upstairs and I went there. On my bed was a shirt, a pair of black pants and a jacket that I quickly put on and went down again. Mom fixed my hair and only after half an hour later I was done.

- Goodbye, Martin, said mother and kissed me on the cheek.

- Goodbye, I replied and when I said that I felt something burning in my blue eyes which I quickly blinked away.

Dad and I walked for a while until he suddenly stopped a few meters before the square where the mowing used to be held. He took something out of his pocket and showed it to me. It was a necklace with a diamond. I looked at it doubtfully. Until my father before he pressed the diamond and a narrow needle protruded.

-Gifted from a snake, he said and gave it to me. Do you want it?

- No, I answered immediately. I had no idea about cheating. At first, Dad looked offended, then insidious.

- Sure, he replied. But you know what I told you, get selected!

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