I Taylor

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- You can stop whining now, Leah, and be a little quiet, for once? I appealed to my little sister but she just shook her head so that her blonde curls were waving.

- I do not want to wear that, she replied stubbornly.

- Why not? I asked annoyed. Can you behave like your age and put on the dress?

- I'm actually twelve years old! she shouted annoyed at me. I do not want to put on a dress that looks like I'm eight!

- It does not, I replied. Just because it's pink does not mean it's childish.

- Easy for you to say, you have a nice dress, she said with jealousy.

I looked down at my dress. Yes, it was nicer than hers. It was sea blue with white stripes, lace down and a light blue silk ribbon around my waist.

- And I ... I said tentatively without coming up with any further argument. I'm actually older than you.

- Only two years, Leah said, sticking her tongue out teasingly.

- That's enough, I said with a crooked smile.

Suddenly the creaking door opened and mother stepped inside.

- Taylor, I told you to put on Leah's batting dress, Mother said, a little disappointed.

- I tried, I said in my defense. But she refused.

Mother gave Leah an annoyed look and Leah took the dress out of my grasp and ran to her room with the bright curls rocking behind her. Mother sighed emphatically and massaged her temples. She looked worn and tired. She had probably had to work extra at the electricity factory.

- Taylor, I know that your notes are on so many now so I thought, mother started but interrupted and went to one of our kitchen cabinets. At first I thought she would give me some food, but why would she do that? We just ate. But instead of opening some of the cabinets, she pressed hard against a tile. I was completely amazed at what she did looked completely bizarre.

- Uh, what ... I started but became silent when I looked at the tile again, because it had not been still but began to come loose. Mother pulled it out and inside there was a small space where you could put things in. Mother took something out of the space and showed it to me. It was a small dusty jewelry box. I had a vague feeling that I had seen it before.

- Here, said Mother, handing it to me with a faint smile.

I received it without knowing what to say. I opened it carefully. Inside was a silver ring with a blue sapphire heart in the middle. I did not know what to say. This ring had been my mother's engagement ring.

- If you are selected for the hunger games ... she started but stopped and I saw how tears broke out behind the eyelids. Can you promise to wear this in that case?

- Yes, I promise, I said and felt for myself how it burned under the eyelids. But are you completely sure? Mother nodded in response and left the room. I sat down on a chair. Even Mother knew how likely it was that I would be taken out, but I did not want to believe it, even though in my quiet mind I knew it was true.

Leaving District 5 and all I knew, going to the capital and meeting older and stronger children inside an arena. I sighed again and took my curly hair and caressed it. It felt soothing and satisfying to feel my long red hair slide through my fingers. I carefully put on the ring and walked towards the large old mirror by the door and admired the effect of it. In the mirror, a tired girl looked back with big green eyes. Then mother came back down the stairs.

- You have to go now, she said and her eyes were very bright. Behind her, Leah came with the pink dress on and a bow in her hair. Then we hugged as long as we could, before mother said it was time for us to go.

- Good luck! And let the odds be on your sides, mother called after us when we started walking from the house to our little village.

Yes, I hope so, I thought as we walked towards mowing the place

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