VIII Martin

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I pursed my lips tightly as they applied a burning cream to my body. It was painful but I did not bother to say anything to my chirping stylists.

- It's so you do not get a beard or anything like that, said one of my stylists with pink tattoos and blue hair. I did not bother to ask what their names were because I did not really care.

My stylist Terbilia Northway was a short, rather chubby woman with purple-pink hair and long nails. She looked at me and smiled.

- You would fit well in silver, she said and went forward and felt my muscles. Maybe in armor, it would suit your eyes. I tried to smile a normal smile but it became more of a scornful grimace.

I had been given a room above the gym which was quite a lot nicer than at home, all I had done in my room was look for where all the cameras were and how I would cover them, because it was hard to find and hard to cover. quite messy. After I had been in my room, I went to the room I knew Corn Hardbreak lived in. It was locked. I slammed the door hard but no one opened it.

I went back to my room disappointed, but on the way I met Alicia Tornek and Stina Hardbreak discussing how to make food edible without revealing themselves, they fell silent when I walked by but I did not care what I would go to my room and put on other clothes and then order something for my room. Tomorrow we would ride in the triumphal chariots and I wanted to be rested until then.

When I got to my room again, I saw a girl in my room. She was picking up all her clothes and other things from the floor. I got a sense of guilt when I saw it even though I should not.

- You can let it be, I said. The girl jerked because she did not seem to hear that I was coming. She turned her head towards me. She had big gold colored eyes and black hair in a ponytail and a slightly smaller head. This made her look very small. She shook her head slightly, turned her back on me and continued to clean. I was both offended and fascinated. But I went ahead and instead of letting it go, I helped her. She was a slave probably speechless like the others. I should not help her. And if anyone saw it, she would be punished. But unlike others I have covered all cameras.

- Do you have a name? I asked after a while to lighten the mood. She nodded in surprise. Her skin was brown and seemed smooth.

- What's your name? I asked even though I knew I should not. She did not answer.

- Can you speak? I asked stubbornly.

- Slave 8, she answered shyly.

- Your real name, I said happy that she said something. She hesitated and took a firm grip on a sweater she was holding.

"Willow," she replied. The room was cleaned now and she went out.

Willow. The name engulfed me and the thought of ordering food was blown away. She's a slave, Martin! Time to think about the hunger games again! But if she was not, her eyes were so golden. And when I fell asleep, that was all I thThe next day I went up early for breakfast to meet Willow without the others but Stina Hardbreak was already sitting there with her back straight and her ice blue eyes fixed on me.

- You're early, she said briefly.

- You and I need to talk, I said. I mean we should be in the same team, right?

"Probably," said Stina, returning to her toast.

When I later came down to the place that Alicia Tornek told me, I almost put the piece of apple I had in my mouth. There was a smiling Terbila Northway. But she was not the Terbila I had met yesterday. She had changed her skin to milky white. She put on silver armor just as she had said. And still said smiling to me to put on my armor.

Later, when Stina Hardbreak and I went out to the stadium, the audience went crazy. They shouted and shouted: Martin! Stina! I looked at the screens that Districts 1 and 2 used to be on but now they had two from District 5. The red-haired girl had fallen into the boy's arms and they looked like a couple. Then I see that the girl got annoyed and tried to stand up. She straightened her green dress that fit her eyes well and stood up straight again.

First she looked at the white horses from District 1 and then she looked at me. I was so embarrassed that I did not know what to do so I gave her a mischievous smile and it seemed to make her angrier. Then she looked away.

Suddenly Stina looked up at me and her ice blue eyes searched for mine to know why I was not looking ahead. Then Stina looked at the girl and then she looked away again.

ought about.

I Will Survive (english)Where stories live. Discover now