Shawn Mendes Imagine

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First met
You packed your things to go to the lake with your family for the annual family picnic. The best thing about Canada is that it has really hot summers after cold winters. You ran downstairs and saw your family pack the truck from outside the window. You throw on your shoes and walked into the car. Popping your earphones in, you feel the car back up as your favourite song comes on. Finally at the lake, you already noticed a really cute guy playing his guitar shirtless with his shades on. Though with your family, you wouldn't mind meeting new people. Not even bothering to help your family set up, you walk to a random spot at the lake.

Sitting down on your towel, you notice the cute guy staring at you from the corner of your eye. You hear the strum of guitar stop followed by whining. Looking out into the view, someone tapped your shoulder. You look over to your right and find the cute guy, close to your face.

He giggled "sorry I, couldn't help but name is Shawn"
Shawn puts out his hand and you take the offer of shaking it

"Y/N" you replies

Handing you a slip of paper he said "well, Y/N, call me. I wanna know you"

He left and you became confused.

The rest of the day, Shawn couldn't keep his eyes off you
Okay so I hope you liked this one, I'll keep updating though:)
Thanks loves

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