Shawn Mendes Imagines

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You are in your room, lying on your bed eating a bag a chips watching Gossip Girl. You popped another chip in your mouth and your phone buzzed. It was a text from Shawn, your best friend. You guys were always close and together all the time. The text read

Shawn: y/n I need help, can I come over?

You became concerned about him. Shawn then called your phone. You sigh and answer it

"Shawn what's wrong?" You asked

He trembles over his tears through the phone. You asked again "Shawn?!"

He sigh "we are over" he cried "I'm on my way, I need you"

You nod your head while cleaning up a little. It was late, but it's okay, because no matter if it's 6am or 9pm, you would always be there for Shawn.

"Okay Shawn, come through the window k?" You whispered to him. Shawn hung up with out a word.

After a little while, you see a shadow of a tall guy on your roof. You open the window and let Shawn in. He was red and puffy in his eyes. He hugs you once he got in and cried into your shoulder. Shawn crumbles down on the floor as you follow through with him in your arms. You stroke Shawn's soft brown hair as you whispered

"Shawn what happened?"

He wiped away the tears and replied still hugging you "we're done y/n, me and Clare, it's over..."

"Why would she break up with you?" You asked, not even thinking over the fact that it could upset him or not

Shawn looks into your eyes "I-I- y/n I broke up w-w-with her"

Your jaw dropped as you hit his arm. He giggled a little bit rubbing his arm that was probably sore

"What the hell Shawn?" You whisper loudly so you don't wake your parents up.

"So why are you crying?" I questioned Shawn

He smirked "cuz I realized something"

Shawn sighs and takes your face in the palm of his hands. Next thing you know, his lips were up against yours. You were so confused, but the softness of Shawn's lips distracted you. You both part from the kiss. You wipe away his tears as he pulled the strands of hair away from your face.

Faces only inches away, he whispered to you "it's been you y/ always has been you..."

You giggled a little as you share another kiss, seconds later pulling away
"You had me from day one"

Okay so I hope you guys are enjoying these imagines, I will try and keep updating asap❤️

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