Its a final

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Okay so, I am creating an official fanfiction for sure. I'm not really good with these, but I'm trying my best to make it the best story I could do, so bare with me😊😂

Basically this girl named Mia on her sixteenth birthday she caught her boyfriend, or should I say ex boyfriend Noah cheat on her. She left her party in tears, devastated. Three weeks later Mia's best friend Jessica found out that her cousin Shawn was coming over from Canada for the summer. Things fire up quickly as the summer goes along. Why, well they met before. Mia didn't remember him that well, but Shawn sure remembered Mia. So what will happen with Shawn and Mia? Will Noah get jealous and take her back, or will tension start to heat in the hot summer sun?...find out

Okay so that's basically the plot of the storyline. I'm not exactly sure when I will be done, but I'll keep you updated

Let me know what you think of the fanfiction in the comments and I will post an update later

Love you lots

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