Party shmarty

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Shawn invited me to his friend Ian's 17th birthday. It was at a Galla in down town Toronto which was further away, explaining why we stayed at a hotel for the night. I was preparing myself in the marble themed bathroom. I sit on the cushion seat and unzip my beauty bag. I did my hair plain straight, and my makeup with a Kylie lip, smokey eye with long lashes and winged eyeliner, and cover up obviously. I put on my black long sleeve crop top and my pale pink floral skirt with brown combat boots. I heard Shawn come in from picking up his suit from the dry cleaners. I walked out of the washroom smiling. Shawn took a double take at me
"Y/n..." He gasped

I blush lightly as he came closer to me, holding my two hands in his
"You, look, beautiful"

I blushed "thank you Shawn"

Looking around the room, I noticed Shawn didn't have his tux

"Where is your tux?" I asked crossing my arms

Shawn giggled while scratching the back of his neck "about that..."

I raised an eyebrow "yea?"

He sighed and sat on the hotel king bed "it kinda...shrunk..."


What is he gonna wear now?

I sat next to him and lean my head on his shoulder "aww, it's okay, you can were a blouse and some nice paints-"

"That's all i brought y/n..." He cut me off

I sighed and rubbed his back for comfort
"Shawn we still have time to get something-"

"Maybe we shouldn't go..." He suggested getting up from his sitting position, pacing back and forth.
I shook my head disagreeing because I knew how much his friends mattered to him
"No, Shawn, it's okay-"

"Id take staying here and cuddle with you over a party any day, that just happens to be today princess" He smiled and leaned down to my level taking my hand in his

I smiled back politely but still hesitated "but the party-"

Shawn brushed it off "party shmarty"

I froze and completely lost myself laughing so hard. Shawn giggled around with me. He got up to his carry on and grabbed his black and red flannel. Holding it up, letting the creases unfold, Shawn handed the flannel to me

"You look, marvellous, but that's not comfy cuddle attire now is it?" He questioned. I shook my head and started to laugh. I took the flannel from him and kissed his cheek "I love you, are you sure you don't wanna go to the-"

He smashed his lips onto mine to kindly shut me up. I grinned when we pulled away "first, I love you more, and yes, now go put that on so we can watch movies and I can smother you in kisses"

I rolled my eyes chuckling like an idiot as I walked into the washroom to put on Shawn's shirt.

-later that night-

"Pass the chips would ya?" I asked Shawn as I snuggled near him.

Shawn shook his head no kissing my forehead "too far"

My phone buzzed as my eyes rolled back playfully 

It was a text from y/friends/n

Y/f/n- y/n, why aren't you and Shawn at Ian's party?

I texted back looking at Shawn pay close attention to the movie. I smiled and replied

-party shmarty

I turned my phone off as Shawn kissed my cheek wrapping his arm around me.

Totally better than a party

But not as good as Shawn in a tux😍😭

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