Shawn Mendes Imagine

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Little note: I know this is about magcon but I don't care. Long live the magcon boys💜

"Flight 27 come aboard your plane in an orderly fashion" the flight attendant quoted for about the millionth time in her career. It was about 8:30 AM, and I restate AM! But though I was too tired to get up, I grab my suitcase/carry on and aboard the plane. You are probably asking me, why am I going on a plane when I should be at school? First I'm home schooled, second, I'm going to surprise my boyfriend at a tour called Magcon, May of heard of them😋
Could you guess who my boyfriend is? Alright enough with the games Kelly, it's Shawn Mendes. I haven't seen him in a whole month, seems short right? You thought wrong. We FaceTime a lot, every night actually, but seeing a face through a screen is different than seeing Shawn in person. He was supposed to come home that week, but Bart planned a surprise extra town, being Orlando, to visit. We were both kinda sad and missing each other. So, Aaron texted me. We were really close, like brother and sister
He texted me last week saying that we should plan a surprise, and his plan was genius. Aaron planned that he would bring Shawn to the airport saying that his, his I mean Aaron's aunt was coming in from Vancouver, but nope. I was coming instead.

I sit in my assigned seat as I find my phone in the pocket of my sweater and scroll through Twitter and Instagram as we take off to Orlando.

*shawn's POV*
I groan as Aaron tried to wake me up, I mean he could of picked all the guys, he picked me the one who loves his sleep but also loves staying up late. All I want, is Kelly, but no, one more week with these losers. I mean I love these guys, but I haven't seen Kelly in so long. I missed her smile and kisses. I finally get up from Aaron waking me up

"K man, I get it! Why me bro?!" I asked with a groggy voice, rubbing my eyes

Though my sight is slightly blurry I could see Aaron's eye roll pretty clearly.
I got up as I go in my suit case to put on a sweater to put over my bare skin and kept the sweat pants from my sleep. Fluffing my hair in the mirror I over heard Aaron mumble

"You won't regret coming bro"

I kinda let it slide, I didn't want to put up with any fights at that time.

We called for a taxi and headed down to the lobby where we went to meet our ride.

*Kelly's POV*

I get off the plane as I see the boys already from afar, I quickly text Aaron
-I'm here don't tell Shawn yet I'm gonna scare him

Aaron texted back with a ':)'
I saw them coming closer to me, I hid behind my luggage because I am really small and the carry on was pretty large. I heard and memorized his footsteps and shortly scared him, making Shawn jump and step back a bit. I smiled small, growing larger as he realized that it was really me.

He took me and brought me close, practically squeezing me until I squealed. I giggle softly as I start to cry a little bit into his chest. Shawn lets go of me

"KELLY!" He yells at first but started to tear up "Kelly, my baby, how..."

Shawn stumbles on his words as I motion to Aaron. Shawn turns around and smiles towards him. I took his hand and kissed it trying to get Shawn's attention. He instantly looked into my eyes and smiled as I did the same

I kissed his lips after weeks of missing them as we walked back to the taxi

I whisper in his ear "Netflix night?"
He kissed my cheek and nodded whispering "muffins too?"
I chuckle softly
"Yes babe"

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