Shawn Mendes Imagines

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Listen to All We Do- O Wonder

"SHAWN! YOUR KIDDING RIGHT? I can't believe you would cheat on me during the tour"

Me and Shawn were having a huge fight a couple hours after he came home from his tour. I saw pictures online of a random girl and Shawn kissing. He did cheat, I saw pity in his eyes. Shawn can't lie, I've known him for forever and you can tell when he's lying or not. And this time, he was.

Shawn looked down at his feet with guilt. My eyes started to water known he was at fault as he spoke
"Amilia, I-I didn't mean to I was drunk and-"

The tears streamed down my face "I HATE YOU SHAWN I HATE YOU! I WISH WE NEVER MET!" I screamed with tears welting up in my eyes

I breathed heavier and grunted "how could you?"

Shawn cried into his hands as he collapsed onto the couch. Guilt ran through my body when you had seen Shawn in pain. I crouched down to meet him down on the seat, balancing on the balls of my feet. About to say words "Shawn, I-"

He startled me with his words "GO AWAY! YOU HURT ME! Go away Amilia you FRIGIN HURT ME!!"

He didn't love you anymore
I thought to myself. I walked away heading to the washroom upstairs. I shut the door behind me as I locked it as well. As I slid I back down the door, tears gush down my face uncontrollably. If Shawn didn't love me, no one else would. My parents ignored me, and no, I'm being serious. I had no friends except for Shawn...maybe not anymore he hates me. My parents are both only children so no uncles or aunts...and my grandparents lived in California. I felt so alone, afraid, wanting to die...Amilia that's what you have to do.

I grabbed some anti depressants pills and spilled them into my hand. I take a gulp before putting them closer to my mouth. Just about to pop them, I hear a knock on the bathroom door, obviously being Shawn.

Shawn managed to unlock the door and looked directly at the meds in my hands. Shawn's lip trembled as he reached my level on the floor. Wrapping his arms around me, I broke down and dropped the pills as they bounced around the bathroom floor.

Shawn's chin rested on my head as I cry into his chest. I felt the tears of Shawn land on my forehead.

"Amilia don't die on me I love you" he whimpered crying even more. I whispered back "I love you, I didn't mean what I said I was just mad"

He pulled the strains of hair away from my face, wiping my tears away as well
"How could I cheat on you. I'm surprised you stayed, I-I'm lucky you stayed...but-"
Shawn looked at the meds on the floor and looked back at me as I stated directly into his bloodshot eyes
His voice cracked "you weren't gonna stay, you were gonna leave me all alone. I'm so stupid Lili, how could I?"

Lili was the nickname he gave me when he was younger and has never stopped.

I felt horrible. All you have is each other, why are you gonna harm yourself and Shawn

"I thought you didn't love me..." I said crying into Shawn's chest.

He sighs as he cradled me, picking me up and carrying me to our room

"I will love you until the end of time baby, near or far, just take a piece of my heart, and make it all your own, so when we are apart again, you'll never be alone." Shawn said lying me down on the bed next to me.

I kissed his lips softly as he kissed me back.

"I'm sorry, your so beautiful and I love you Amilia, forgive me please, I wouldn't blame you if you hate me right now-"
I cut him off with words "Shawn I forgive you..I love you and I'm sorry for scaring you"

I turned around so that Shawn could cuddle into me more. He kissed my temple and whispered "I'll never leave you princess"

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