When You're Sad (All + Reyna, Annabeth, Bianca, Piper)

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People are really sleeping on TKC, ToA, and MCGA. I want to reread TKC before I add the characters to this book because it's been a while. Anyway, to the story!

TW: Mentions of depression, but nothing too serious


He hates to see you so down, but he understands. He is very attentive to what you need, whether that be endless hugs and words of affirmation or him giving you some space. He doesn't push you to talk and always waits until you're ready to tell him. Until then, be prepared to be showered with your favorite foods, snacks, and lots of sympathy from the son of Poseidon.


Whenever Jason sees you depressed, he reminds you of your worth and value. He never lets you sink in your emotions alone. He will be by your side the entire time, squeezing your hand or rubbing your back gently as you cry.


Nico understands the feeling of loneliness that can overcome your body when your depression kicks in. He understands that at moments you feel emotionless and can't express it. He reassures you about all of your accomplishments and just how amazing you are. Nico reminds you that you aren't alone and how all of your feelings are valid, even if you can't really explain what those feelings are. He would place his favorite weighted blanket over your figure and sit next to you through it all.


Will is a doctor, but he knows he can't heal everything. He hates that you have to go through bouts of depression and that he doesn't have a cure for it. Nevertheless, he stays there besides you, (favorite drink) in one hand and the other tracing small circles onto yours. 


She gets it. She really does. She knows how much sadness can hurt until everything else just feels numb. She knows there's not a perfect response when it comes to making you feel better, but she sure as heck will think of every possible solution to helping. When things really get tough for you, she'll grab a heated blanket and lay it over the two of you, playing with your hair as you both sit in silence.


She holds you tight, afraid to ever let go. She's experienced so many people entering and leaving her life , and she knows the toll loneliness can take on someone's mental health. She never wants you to feel as abandoned as she felt before you came, so she'll hold you in her arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear until her arms fall asleep and go numb. 


Leo is extremely protective of you whenever you get depressed. He just wants to shelter you from the evils in the world that caused him intense sadness as well. Naturally, he will constantly make jokes in attempt to make you feel better, which sometimes it does because it distracts you from the spiraling feeling of depression. When his jokes don't work, he gives you endless forehead kisses and cuddles with you until you start to feel better.


You're sad? Bianca would give you the biggest bear hug, even Frank would be jealous. She'd lay your head on her chest, running one hand through your hair, the other holding the book she would read to you. In between pages, she'd remind you how important you are and how you'll never be alone again as long as she is around.


The first time Frank saw you depressed, he asked you what he could do to make you feel better. When you told him you wanted your teddy bear, he thought you said you wanted him to turn into a bear. Now, every time you're upset or sad, Frank would turn into an adorable bear of your choosing and embrace you into his furry warmness (why did that sound so weird to write) to remind you of the first funny incident.


You and Piper had a special playlist full of both of your favorite songs that you would play if one of you ever felt down to help remind you both of happy times. When she found you curled into your blanket in a sad silence, she handed you one of the ear buds, placing the other one in her ear, and began the playlist. She's spoon and cuddle with you, kissing your forehead tenderly until you felt like talking about how you felt.


When you were sad, Apollo would lay his head in your lap and begin to strum his ukulele. He'd sing songs about all of your beautiful moments and the heroic events you'd endured. As he would sing, his body would give off a comforting warmth that would help to lull you into a peaceful sleep. When you woke, he would be holding you tightly, proving that he'd never leave you alone by yourself.


If Octavian ever saw you depressed, he'd go through his enormous pile of stuffed animals and bring you some to cuddle with. He'd either sit across from you or next to you on the bed. Octavian would place a comforting hand on your leg and assure you that everything would be alright.

Cue the Octavian slander in the comments


Magnus wished his healing powers could permanently cure you from your sadness. He'd pull you into his embrace and gently rock you back and forth. He has a playlist full of comforting nature sounds that he would let play in the background as he mumbled how much he loved you into your ear over and over again. 


When you got sad, Tj would try different activities to distract you from your negative thoughts and emotions. He wouldn't push you to talk if you weren't ready or couldn't explain, instead, he would allow you to express yourself through drawing or painting. He'd smear paint across your face to make you smile and play your favorite show/movie/musical/play in the background.


Although Alex has never shown this side to the rest of your friend group, when you get sad, s/he would be so gentle and sweet. S/he'd wrap you in his/her favorite green jacket or sweatshirt and sit behind you, pulling you into his/her embrace. Alex would rest a chin on your shoulder and hum peacefully to comfort you. Occasionally, s/he'd press small kisses onto your neck.


Hearth related too well to how you would feel when you were depressed. With everything that has happened in the past with his family, he finds himself slipping in and out of depression as well. So, when he sees the same happening to you, he'll wrap his favorite scarf around your neck and pull you into his lap. He couldn't say anything to you with words from his mouth, but he'd use his actions to show you how much you are worth and how precious you are.


Blitz would make you your favorite meal and bring it to you in bed. If you weren't hungry, he'd understand and offer cuddling as the next best thing. Sometimes, he'd let you play dress up in various clothes and designs he had recently made to make you feel better. One time, although it was supposed to be a birthday gift for you, he gave you a present to remind you how much you were loved. It was a handmade photo blanket of the two of you and your friends. When you felt lonely, he'd drape the blanket over you and hold you close.

Q: You could meet your favorite fictional character if you kill your best friend. Would you do it? (born0fthedead )

A: I don't actually have a best friend so that's problem number one here lol. But I probably wouldn't because Nico, Tj, and Leo would never like me because I murdered someone :')

Q: How are you feeling lately? (GuardianOfHallway )

A: Since you asked, Ig I can release this information to everyone and not just my followers. Almost three weeks ago, I was almost hit by a drunk driver. They were speeding down the wrong side of the highway at night and I barely had time to swerve out of the way. Thank God I survived, but since then my anxiety is worse, especially when I drive at night. On top of that, My aunt almost died from Covid and had to get emergency surgery. So, my mental is not the best right now, but my boyfriend has been really supportive in helping me cope.


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