Finding Out You're Pregnant (All)

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Percy would be in awe when he finds out. Instantly, he'd become over protective of you and make sure you never overexerted yourself. You need something? He's already racing around the house to grab it. You having cravings? He already has one foot out the door to pick up the food.

Percy would love every minute with you, even with the mood swings. 


Leo wouldn't know what to do with himself when he finds out you're pregnant. He would begin to rush around the house, baby proofing everything in his sights. When he finally calms down, he showers you with kisses.

He would cherish every moment of piecing together the various toys and objects for the baby. Putting the crib together made everything feel real.


At first, Nico would worry that he's not cut out for being a dad. He would be extra gentle with you and be careful to not anger you, especially when you're having a mood swing. 

He tries to hide the fact that he's freaking out about it, but it's obvious to you. You assure him that he's going to be the world's greatest dad. You knew that no one could love your baby better than Nico. 


I imagine that Jason would be a nervous wreck in the beginning. He wants to make sure he doesn't mess anything up along the way. He would read parenting books, go to parenting classes with you, and watch Youtube videos on the right way to do everything. 

Jason wants to make sure he isn't underprepared, because he knows a big change is coming. But, Jason also knows that with you by his side, this baby would be loved and raised perfectly.


Maggie-boy would swoop you up in his arms the moment you told him. He'd be so excited that he'd immediately want to celebrate with you by taking you out to eat. He'd confide with Jack about what to do, because who would know more about pregnancies than a talking sword?

In reality, he talks to Jack for comfort or to express his eagerness. Jack, usually through song, would tell him not to worry about a thing. Magnus knew he didn't have anything to worry about. You were there and you were going to be an amazing mom. He has some adjustments to do, but you best believe he will be there for the baby every step of the way.


(I'm going to write two for Alex because he/she is gender fluid and I'm not 100% sure on his/her biological sex. I know in the beginning Sam said Alex was her brother before finding out, but yeah.)


Somewhat surprisingly, it was Alex who asked you about adopting a kid. You smiled brightly and hugged him/her tightly, excited to start this new journey in your life. You and Alex held hands tightly as you sat in the classes to prepare for adoption.

When you finished, the two of you decided to adopt a baby (boy/girl). 

Biological Baby

Alex was ecstatic to find out you were pregnant. Although he/she tried to appear calm and mellow about it, you could tell Alex was excited. He/she would be by your side every step of the way.

Secretly, Alex would be worried about how having a gender fluid parent would affect the baby in the future. Once you found out about his/her concerns, you assured Alex that things would be okay. The two of you would be by your child's side to explain things to them as they grew up.


When you told Hearth, he couldn't get a thought out. There were so many things he wanted to say. In the end, he signed a bunch of nonsense because he couldn't choose one thing to say at a time. He would eventually give up and just hug you tightly to express his feelings.

Once it got closer to the time you were to give birth, he began to feel nervous and guilty. The baby would have to be raised with a deaf parent. How could he help you at night if he couldn't hear the child crying? How would the child have a normal childhood?

You soothed Hearth's worrying. You knew his deafness wasn't a weakness. It made him unique. The child would love him all the same and be proud to call Hearth dad.


The first thing Blitz would do after finding out is make clothes. He would make the cutest outfits for the baby, some of which would include armor. You tried to tell Blitz the baby wouldn't need any armor at a young age, but Blitz still continued to put together outfits.

Without a doubt, your child would be the most stylish out of all of their peers. Who needs expensive name brand clothing, when your dad could make clothes a thousand times better?


Raising a family of his own was always a dream for Tj. His decision to join the war took away that dream, but, with you, he was finally able to have a baby. He kissed you repeatedly when he found out.

He couldn't wait until the child reached the age where he could begin teaching them about war heroes and the Union. He especially couldn't wait for the day that he could tell them about how he was in the war all those years ago.


Frank didn't know what to do with himself. He was practically bouncing off the walls. Once reality set in, he would feel nervous. He didn't know the first thing about raising a kid! He would go to all of his friends for advice.

You would laugh, thinking about how cute it was to see Frank so  dedicated to your kid. There was no doubt in your mind that Frank would make a great dad.


Octavian was terrified to become a dad. It wasn't like he was the most likable person on the planet. He still didn't understand why you wanted to be with him, yet alone start a family with him. He knew he'd have to step up his game, a lot. He is going to do everything in his power to raise the child with love. No matter what it takes, he was going to be the best dad.


Because Will is a doctor, he took taking care of you into his own hands. He was elated to find out you were pregnant. He made sure to study up on his practices. Being at camp, he never had to take care of a pregnant patient, but he was determined to give you the best care he possibly could.

Will made sure you maintained a healthy diet, while also enjoying your favorite foods along the way. Morning sickness was no match for this doctor. 

Apollo (Lester)

It was sad to say, but Apollo was used to being told he was a dad at this point. Just think about all the kids he had had in his extremely long lifetime. 

This time was different though. He would be there the entire time for the child. The love he felt for you was different than his past lovers. There was no way he was going to leave this baby behind. Apollo was finally going to do things right.

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