Authors note

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Hello Potterheads! Thank you for taking a chance on this story even though the description is horrible, and welcome to yet another one of my many Harry Potter fanfics. As usual, enjoy the book, and don't do drugs.

Just to clarify, Cedric was a 6th year when he was in the Triwizard Tourtement, with his birthday being early in the school year, so that makes him and Lia the same year as Fred and George.

All rights to Harry Potter belong to J.K Rowling. (And ofc Dobby the free elf) I do not, and will ever, own Harry Potter. All characters and plots belong to J.K Rowling except ones I make up for the story. 

This story is dedicated to my best friend of 14 years, Tori! (@Woahhh_Its_Victoria) She's the best best friend I could EVER ask for! Love ya Tori!

Started- 12/29/2020


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