Don't give promises you may not be able to keep

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I will be doing this scene a little out of order to better help the flow of the story.

Warning: The last half is pretty emotional. It made me feel stuff.

Lia's POV 

After Malfoy finally left me alone, I continued to scan the Hufflepuff table to try and find Cedric.  Suddenly, a bolt of lightning  strikes the ceiling, and them that auror Mad Eye Moody stops it with his wand. Impressive. 

"May I present your new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody." Dumbledore introduces. 

Silence. No clapping, only silence 

He sits at his seat, and immediately drinks something that makes him shiver.  


"This is an event that will be starting in October, that will be taking up much of the teacher's time and energy- but I'm sure you will enjoy it. I have the great pleasure to announce that this year at Hogwarts, we have the honor of hosting a very exciting event this school year, I am pleased to announce that the Triwizard Tourtement will be held at Hogwarts this year," Dumbledore announces. 

"YOU'RE JOKING!" One of the Weasley twins shouts. 

The tension that was in the air since Moody came has left, all of us start laughing. 

"I am not joking, Mr. Weasley. Though I did hear an excellent one over the summer, about a troll, a hag, and a leprechaun who all go to a bar-" Dumbledore starts. 

McGonagall clears her throat loudly. (DANG IT MINNY! I've ALWAYS wanted to know the end of that joke! If I find it, I'll post it in a chapter here) 

"Ah yes, this may not be the," Dumbledore says. "Where was I? Oh yes, the Triwizard Tourtement. For those who do not know about it, I will give a brief description," 

I  will be skipping the description of the Triwizard Tourtement and the part when Dumbledore talks about how you have to be 17 and older, all that stuff, because yall already know all this info.  I'm also skipping the part where  Beauxbatons and Durmstrang enter, because that is not important.  FYI, I'm making them both co-ed schools, like they were in the books.  

Wait. So they stopped it because of a high death toll?!? Then why did they bring it back! Oh no, Cedric and I will be 17 before then, I bet Cedric will enter, this whole tourtement thing SCREAMS Cedric.  What if he dies? I can't have him die! As annoying as he is, I still love him, he's literally the only person in existence who fully knows me. I better talk to him after this.  After what seems like forever, Dumbledore finally lets us go. I rush over to the Hufflepuff table, and see Cedric talking to his friends. 

"Ced," I hiss, "Can we talk?"  All his friends give me flirty looks, and Cedric gives the death glares. 

"Yeah sure," He answers. I drag him up to the Astronomy Tower, so we can talk in private. 

"Ced. Are you thinking about entering the tourtement?" I ask, once we're up there.

"Well yeah. Aren't you? We'll be 17 by then. Eternal glory, a bunch of money, adventure, sounds good to me," He answers. 

"No, I'm not. Didn't you hear Dumbledore? People have died! Like, a lot of people! What if you become one of them, Ced? I can't risk losing you!" I shout. 

"Lia, that was centuries ago. It's safer now. Besides, what's life without a bit of risk? And there's a small chance I'll actually get chosen," He shouts back.  

"What if you do? Huh? What if you do enter, and you die?!?!" I scream, on the verge of tears.

"Leels-" He starts.

"Don't call me Leels, that nickname is reserved for Mum!" I interrupt.  He gives me an understanding nod. 

"Lia. Even if I do get picked, I'll be careful. I won't die, I promise," He says. 

"Don't give promises you may not be able to keep," I whisper, and then, I walk away.  I can't let anyone see me crying, not even Cedric. 

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